Department   Undergraduate School  , School of Interdisciplinary Mathematical Sciences
   Position   Professor
Research Period 2012/04~2014/03
Research Topic Investigations on design methodology of functional voices
Research Type KAKENHI Research
Consignor Japan Society for the Promotion of Science
Research Program Type Grant-in-Aid for Challenging Exploratory Research
KAKENHI Grant No. 24650085
Representative Person KAWAHAEA Hideki
Details Aiming at establishing a design methodology of voice attributes to facilitate understanding, affection, alert and safety feeling by non-linguistic voice aspects, this research project was conducted. It was based on a de facto standard speech research framework STRAIGHT, developed by the prime investigator and yielded several useful research tools. A highly accurate and computationally efficient F0 extractor with higher temporal resolution than conventional methods is an example of such extension and development. In this course of investigations, a revolutionary new morphing framework was invented. The new method is capable of morphing arbitrary many voice examples in one shot procedure with individual control of each physical speech parameter and enabled time dependent weight setting. This new morphing method and other research products of the project provides basis of the substantially new research project.