■ Books and Papers
■ Conference Presentations
■ Academic Qualifications
1. |
〔Doctorial Course〕 Faculty of Language and Information Sciences, Graduate School of Art and Science, The University of Tokyo, Accomplished credits for doctoral program
2. |
2011/07/28 Degree Acquisition
The University of Tokyo,
3. |
Harvard-Yenching Institute,
4. |
〔Master Course〕 Faculty of Language and Information Sciences, Graduate School of Art and Science, The University of Tokyo, Completed,
5. |
Faculty of Sociology, Hitotsubashi University, Graduated,
6. |
2011/07/28 Degree Acquisition
The University of Tokyo, Ph.D.
Display 5 items
Display all(6)
■ Career History
■ Academic Associations Membership
■ Current Specialized Field
Japanese literature, Chinese literature