(Last updated : 2023-09-27 22:25:01)
   Department   Professional Graduate School  , Graduate School of Global Business
   Position   Professor
■ Books and Papers
1. 2023/04 Article An Exploratory Study of Family Employees in Taiwanese Owned Chinese Family Businesses: Through the Lens of Emotional-oriented Theories The Journal of Organization and Discourse 3(1),pp.12--19 (Collaboration) 
2. 2022/03 Article Business Diversification Strategy in the Context of Multinational Chinese Family Businesses in Taiwan: A Preliminary Study MBS Review  (Single) 
3. 2022/03 Article Using English as the corporate language in the context of Japanese firms Global Studies 6,pp.71-78 (Collaboration) 
4. 2022/01 Article The Causes of Taiwan’s Miracle: A Retrospective Meiji Business Review 69(1),pp.253-275 (Single) 
5. 2021/05 Article Putting guanxi back into the study of multinational Chinese family business The Journal of Organization and Discourse 2(1),pp.20-31 (Collaboration) 
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■ Conference Presentations
1. 2023/01/28 Family Members in Taiwanese-owned Chinese Family Businesses: Why Are We Here and How Long Are We Going to Stay? (The 6th Conference of JSCOS with Japanese Research Group of Gender, Work and Organization)
2. 2018/06 A Scale for Measuring the Country-of-Origin Effect on Perceived Value in Services Industries (Annual ISMS Marketing Science Conference)
3. 2017/10 A Conceptual Framework of Country-of-Origin (COO): A Cross-sectional Multi-country Study in Services Industries (Global Business and Finance Research Conference)
4. 2016/12 A Cross-sectional Multi-Country Study of Country-of-Origin (COO) in Services Industries (European International Business Association (EIBA))
5. 2015/12 Professionalization and the Role of Women: An Exploratory Study of Family-Owned Firms in Taiwan (The Macrotheme International Conference)
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■ Academic Qualifications
1. 2000/10~2007/10 〔Doctorial Course〕 Management, Business School, Warwick Business School, Completed, Ph.D.
2. 1999/10~2000/09 〔Master Course〕 Organization Studies, Business School, Warwick Business School, Completed, M.A. in Organisation Studies
3. 1995/04~1999/03 Business Administration, Faculty of Management, Meiji University, Graduated, B.B.A.
■ Career History
1. 2022/10~ Professor
2. 2018/04~2019/08 NUCB Business School Professor
3. 2014/04~2018/03 Meiji University Graduate School Tokunin Associate Professor
4. 2009/04~2013/03 Meiji University Graduate School Assistant Professor
5. 2008/02~2009/02 SOAS, University of London Center for Finance and Management Studies Tutor
■ Academic Associations Membership
1. 2004/09~ Academy of International Business
2. 2004/09~ British Academy of Management
■ Research Topics, Consignment Studies & KAKENHI Researches
1. 2021/04~  A comparative study of mechanisms of recruiting and retaining non-family employees in family businesses in Japan and Taiwan: an Institutional approach  (Key Word : )
2. 2021/04~  A Study of How Country-of-Origin Labelling (COOL) Influence Customer-Perceived Value  (Key Word : )
3. 2015/04~2018/03  A Cross-national Study of Country-of-Origin (COO) in Services Industries: Comparing and Validating the COO Model  (Key Word : )
4. 2012/04~2016/03  The Role of Women in the Chinese Family Businesses: Evidence from Taiwan  (Key Word : )
5. 2011/04~2014/03  A contemporary COO (Country-of-Origin) framework: Conceptualizing, evaluating and measuring  (Key Word : )
■ Current Specialized Field
Business administration (Key Word:Organizational Behaviour, Human Resource Management, Family Business, International Management, Global Strategy)