Department   Graduate School  , Graduate School of Advanced Mathematical Sciences
   Position   Associate Professor (non-tenured)
Research Period 2013/04~2015/03
Research Topic Construction of mathematical models for long-term forecast of atmospheric variation by climate time-series
Research Type KAKENHI Research
Consignor Japan Society for the Promotion of Science
Research Program Type Grant-in-Aid for Challenging Exploratory Research
KAKENHI Grant No. 25610028
Responsibility Research Contributor
Representative Person SAKAJO Takashi
Collaborative Researcher MIYOSHI Takemasa
Details With close cooperation between mathematicians and meteorologist, the following research have been promoted. Firstly, we have developed a theoretical procedure to derive an empirical stochastic differential equation from climate time-series. It is applied to time-series of the tropospheric and the stratospheric winter-time low-frequency variability, which were published in an international journal. This procedure is applicable to the construction of wide range of atmospheric phenomena. Secondly, we constantly hold joint workshops between Kyoto University and RIKEN AICS on the data assimilation. They yield the development of a new non-Gaussian and non-linear data assimilation technique, which is now under close investigation as a seed research topic. Finally, we have carried out a fundamental research on the characterization of the data assimilation as chaos synchronization, which is to be a promising future perspective on the theoretical understanding of the data assimilation.