Department Undergraduate School , School of Interdisciplinary Mathematical Sciences Position Professor |
Research Period | 2014/04~2016/03 |
Research Topic | Functional speech design framework based on auditory information representation |
Research Type | KAKENHI Research |
Consignor | Japan Society for the Promotion of Science |
Research Program Type | Grant-in-Aid for Challenging Exploratory Research |
KAKENHI Grant No. | 26540087 |
Representative Person | KAWAHAEA Hideki |
Details | We introduced a new foundation of interactive investigation of functional speech sounds, based on our inventions, STRAIGHT, a speech analysis, modification and resynthesis framework, and a generalised morphing framework, which can morph arbitrarily many voices with individual and temporal control of constituent attributes. We also introduced a set of realtime interactive tools for providing understanding of speech production physics, physiology of voicing and articulatory organs, auditory perception and engineering representations. We also made the latter tools open sourced. Finally, we implemented a system to add glowl-like impression to any singing voices as an example of our proposed framework. |