Department   Undergraduate School  , School of Information and Communication
   Position   Associate Professor
Research Period 2010/04~2012/03
Research Topic The Effects of M & A on the Market and Technological Competitiveness
Research Type KAKENHI Research
Consignor Japan Society for the Promotion of Science
Research Program Type Grant-in-Aid for Young Scientists (B)
KAKENHI Grant No. 22730221
Responsibility Representative Researcher
Representative Person YAMAUCHI Isamu
Details The purpose of this re search is to analyze the effects of Merger and Acquisition on the firm's market and technological competitiveness. The results show that the merger decreases the firm's capability of developing and using technology due to the decreases in the market share and the complementary asset, though the number of observations in this research is limited and most of them are intended to rationaliz e the existing business. Our results also s uggest that the merger increases the effectiveness of firm's R & D activity.