Department   Undergraduate School  , School of Agriculture
   Position   Professor
Research Period 2015/04~2017/03
Research Topic Investing the Mechanism of Salty Taste Reception and Response
Research Type KAKENHI Research
Consignor Japan Society for the Promotion of Science
Research Program Type Grant-in-Aid for Challenging Exploratory Research
KAKENHI Grant No. 15K12334
Responsibility Collaborative Researcher
Representative Person ABE Keiko
Collaborative Researcher ISHIMARU Yoshiro
Details The present study aims to develop some salt taste-enhancing compounds. We constructed Skn-1a knocked-out mice (S-KO mice) in which sweet, bitter and umami taste recepting cells disappeared and sour taste recepting cell activity was enhanced 3 times. The RNA-seq analysis of this mouse made us find several copies of a candidate ion channel expressed specifically in Type I cells. These genes included an ion channel (X-channel) which stained the taste buds of S-KO mice. This channel was expressed in humans as well. Also, this X-channel was a sodium channel. To know the physiological property of this channel, this was introduced into HEK 293 cell, which was then submitted to electrophisical experiment. However, the HEK 293 cell did not respond to sodium ion. This proposes the possibility that the cell is associated with the transport of some other ions. To analyze the phenotype of X-channel, we constructed the KO mice to design the target sequence.