Department Undergraduate School , School of Commerce Position Professor |
Language | English |
Publication Date | 2012/10 |
Type | Academic Journal |
Peer Review | Peer reviewed |
Title | "A Unidirectional Hotelling Model Revisited", Economics Bulletin |
Contribution Type | Co-authored (first author) |
Journal | Economics Bulletin |
Journal Type | Another Country |
Volume, Issue, Page | 32(4),pp.2870-2875 |
Author and coauthor | Takeshi Ebina and Daisuke Shimizu |
Details | We consider a two-stage location-price Hotelling model where the consumers can only buy from one direction, as presented by Kharbach (2009, Economics Bulletin). We show that the equilibrium outcome derived by Kharbach does not constitute a subgame perfect Nash equilibrium. |
URL for researchmap | https://researchmap.jp/ebinatakeshi2010/ |