Department Undergraduate School , School of Arts and Letters Position Senior Assistant Professor |
Language | English |
Publication Date | 2024/02 |
Type | Academic Journal |
Title | Trust in Mass Media as Sources of Cancer Information: Findings from a Nationally Representative Cross-Sectional Survey in Japan. |
Contribution Type | Co-authored (first author) |
Journal | Journal of Health Communication |
Journal Type | Another Country |
Volume, Issue, Page | 29(2),pp.143-154 |
Authorship | Lead author |
International coauthorship | International coauthorship |
Author and coauthor | Miyawaki R, Oka K, Otsuki A, Saito J, Yaguchi-Saito A, Kuchiba A, Fujimori M, Kreps GL, Shimazu T; INFORM Study Group. |