Department   Undergraduate School  , School of Science and Technology
   Position   Professor
Language English
Publication Date 2019/02
Type Academic Journal
Peer Review Peer reviewed
Title Development of a brain-machine interface for stroke rehabilitation using event-related desynchronization and proprioceptive feedback
Contribution Type Co-authored (other than first author)
Journal Advanced Biomedical Engineering
Journal TypeAnother Country
Publisher Japanese Society for Medical and Biological Engineering
Volume, Issue, Page 8,pp.53-59
Author and coauthor K. Wada, Y. Ono, M. Kurata, M. I. Ito, M. T. Minakuchi, M. Kono, T. Tominaga
Details We have developed a brain-machine interface (BMI) rehabilitation system for patients with stroke and motor paralysis that provides proprioceptive feedback upon successful generation of motor-imagery (MI)-induced event-related desynchronization (ERD), and a decrease in mu band (8-13 Hz) activity derived from hand motor imagery. This system consists of an electroencephalogram (EEG) amplifier, operated using the MATLAB Simulink software, a pneumatic robotic exoskeleton to provide proprioceptive feedback to the paralyzed hand, and a tablet computer placed over the paralyzed hand to display a hand-action movie to facilitate ERD generation. The EEG amplifier was connected and synchronized via the exoskeleton and tablet computer with an Arduino microcomputer. Nine patients with stroke in sub-acute stage of recovery participated in a neurofeedback training experiment, which employed the above-mentioned system. During the 4 weeks of this study, the participants received 2 weeks of Digital Mirror Box (DMB)-based or control interventions in a random and counterbalanced order in addition to their daily conventional physiotherapy. The control intervention consisted of the same MI training as the DMB-based intervention, but the exoskeleton always provided proprioceptive feedback regardless of their ERD strength. The ERD strength in the affected hemisphere showed a desirable increase with significant improvement of finger joint spasticity only after the DMB-based intervention period and not after the control intervention period. The proposed neurofeedback training can help patients with stroke and movement disorders because increased ERD strength may lead to recovery of motor function.
URL for researchmap https://doi.org/10.14326/abe.8.53