Department   Undergraduate School  , School of Political Science and Economics
   Position   Associate Professor
Publication Date 2022/03
Type Academic Journal
Peer Review Peer reviewed
Title Demographic Decomposition of Population Growth Rates by Prefectures in Japan:1950-2015 (1) Analysis of Total Population
Contribution Type Co-authored (first author)
Journal J.of Population Problems
Journal TypeJapan
Volume, Issue, Page pp.156-176
Authorship Lead author
Author and coauthor KAMATA Kenji,KOIKE Shiro,SUGA Keita,YAMAUCHI Masakazu
PermalinkURL https://www.ipss.go.jp/syoushika/bunken/data/pdf/22780109.pdf
URL for researchmap https://ipss.repo.nii.ac.jp/records/357