Department   Undergraduate School  , School of Information and Communication
   Position   Associate Professor
Language Japanese
Publication Date 2023/03
Type Bulletin of Universities and Institutes
Peer Review Peer reviewed
Title Association between ambivalent sexism and attitude toward stroller users in  commuter trains: An examination including moderating effects of infrahumanization.
Contribution Type Sole-authored
Journal Journal of Information and Communication Studies
Journal TypeJapan
Volume, Issue, Page 22,pp.29-38
Total page number 10
Author and coauthor Ryutaro WAKIMOTO
Details The present study examined attitudes toward stroller users from the perspective of prejudice against women. Based on the ambivalent sexism theory, it was predicted that hostile sexism, which represents antipathy toward women, would be associated with negative attitudes toward female stroller users, while benevolent sexism, which corresponds to a patronizing and seemingly gentle attitude toward women, would be associated with positive attitudes toward female stroller users. Mediating effects of infrahumanization were also examined. Contrary to predictions, men who are low in hostile sexism perceived female stroller users as more annoying than male stroller users. when hostile sexism was weak. Although men reported that female stroller users experience secondary positive emotions than male stroller users, this effect did not mediate the effects of gender of stroller users by hostile sexism interaction on annoyance perceptions.