Department Undergraduate School , School of Arts and Letters Position Professor |
Language | Japanese |
Publication Date | 2019/03 |
Type | Bulletin of Universities and Institutes |
Invitation | Invited paper |
Title | TAT story characteristics: analysis and interpretation |
Contribution Type | Sole-authored |
Journal | Chukyo University Bulletin of Psychology |
Journal Type | Japan |
Publisher | Chukyo University |
Volume, Issue, Page | 18(1),pp.39-44 |
Details | In this study, the characteristics of Thematic Apperception Test (TAT) stories emerging from conventional analytical methods are discussed and the contributions of the story analysis proposed by Suzuki (1997) explained. By applying the conventional method, the difficulties in decomposing TAT story contents were shown to be due to the nature of gestalt. Therefore, TAT story analyses will need to focus on theme and plot without decomposing them into their elements. Furthermore, because TAT stories are suitable for content analysis, formal analysis alone cannot sufficiently grasp their meaning. Based on these findings, a strategy for effectively using Suzuki's method is discussed. |
ISSN | 1384-8929 |
PermalinkURL | https://chukyo-u.repo.nii.ac.jp/records/17569 |
URL for researchmap | https://chukyo-u.repo.nii.ac.jp/records/17569 |