Kubota Hisao
Department Undergraduate School , School of Science and Technology Position Professor |
Language | English |
Publication Date | 2018/06 |
Type | International conference proceedings |
Peer Review | Peer reviewed |
Title | A Stacked 7-Level Common Mode Voltage Eliminated Inverter Scheme with Single DC-link for Open-End Induction Motor Drive |
Contribution Type | Co-authored (other than first author) |
Journal | PCIM Europe 2018; International Exhibition and Conference for Power Electronics, Intelligent Motion, |
Journal Type | Another Country |
International coauthorship | International coauthorship |
Author and coauthor | Apurv Kumar Yadav;Kumarukuttan Nair Gopakumar;Krishna Raj Ramachandran Potti;Loganathan Umanand;Kouki Matsuse;Hisao Kubota |