Kuwamori Masasuke
   Department   Undergraduate School  , School of Commerce
   Position   Professor
Language English
Publication Date 2024/09
Type Academic Journal
Peer Review Peer reviewed
Title Effects of Exercise-play on Japanese Preschool Children’s Motor Ability and Physical Fitness
Contribution Type Co-authored (other than first author)
Journal American Journal of Sports Science and Medicine
Journal TypeAnother Country
Publisher Science and Education Publishing
Volume, Issue, Page 12(2),pp.20-28
Total page number 9
Authorship Last author
Author and coauthor ◎Sakiko Ukita, Kaoru Tsuyama and Masasuke Kuwamori
Details This study’s twofold aim was (1) to determine the effects of a program of exercise-play (PEP) on the motor ability and physical fitness of nursery-type children in a certified Center for Early Childhood Education and Care (ECEC) in Japan and (2) to evaluate changes in their motor ability and physical fitness after the PEP intervention. We introduced PEP for the 19 nursery-type children (PEP-introduced group). The 35 kindergarten-type children (PEP-unintroduced group) were cared for as usual, without PEP. In both groups, we measured continuous jumps with both legs, the standing long jump, one-leg beam balance, and toe muscle strength three times—before introducing PEP, after the intervention, and 7 months post-intervention. The results indicate that although PEP effectively improved the nursery-type children’s motor ability and physical fitness, 7 months after PEP cessation, these effects had disappeared.