シオバラ ヨウジ   SHIOBARA Yoji
  塩原 洋二
   所属   その他  明治中学校
   職種   教諭
発表年月日 2024/11/22
発表テーマ An analysis of AI use in Japan: High school essay classes through trial and error with and without ChatGPT
会議名 New Directions East Asia 2024
主催者 British Council
学会区分 国際学会
発表形式 口頭(一般)
単独共同区分 単独
国名 タイ王国|タイ
開催地名 Bnagkok
開催期間 2024/11/21~2024/11/23
概要 This presentation aims to address two primary points: an analysis of AI usage in Japanese classrooms and the author’s own classroom practices involving ChatGPT. To explore the first point, articles on a magazine, Eigo Kyoiku, English Education in Japanese, regarding AI use in class were reviewed and categorized into four groups. The second part of the presentation will focus on how students can leverage AI to enhance their vocabulary rather than merely improving the grammatical accuracy of their English compositions. It has been observed that many students and teachers prioritize grammatical accuracy over vocabulary development in English writing. The presentation will demonstrate how students at different proficiency levels can use ChatGPT to expand their vocabulary. Additionally, the presentation will discuss how to structure the curriculum and achieve lesson objectives both with and without the use of AI.