ツジ ユウイチロウ   TSUJI YUICHIRO
  辻 雄一郎
   所属   明治大学  法学部
   職種   専任教授
発表年月日 2024/04/29
発表テーマ Proportionality in Japanese public law
会議名 Symposium “Proportionality and Asia under Constitutionalism”
主催者 明治大学
学会区分 国際学会
発表形式 口頭(一般)
単独共同区分 単独
国名 アイスランド
開催地名 Tokyo, Japan
開催期間 2024/04/29~2024/04/29
概要 Since World War II, under the new constitution, the Japanese judiciary, through the accumulation of
precedents, have come to examine with precision the grounds for regulating constitutional rights.
In the cases accumulated in the postwar period, the duty that Japanese constitutional jurisprudence requires judges to perform is the task of weighing the extent to which the restriction of rights is necessary to realize the purpose of the law, the content and nature of the rights to be restricted, and the specific manner and extent of the restriction of rights. Nevertheless, there remain problems inherent in comparative balancing, namely the imprecision of standards and the wide discretion of judges.
The German three-step review process of comparing the interests to be regulated with those to be restricted by the narrow principle of proportionality was introduced in Japan in conjunction with the U.S. constitutional review process of examining ends and means.