ツジ ユウイチロウ   TSUJI YUICHIRO
  辻 雄一郎
   所属   明治大学  法学部
   職種   専任教授
発表年月日 2024/07/21
発表テーマ Unconstitutional decision in Leprosy case and former Eugenics Protection Law case in 2024
会議名 International Symposium Sustainable Justice The 2015 training course on judicial management for court officials of the judiciary of Thailand in university of Meiji
主催者 The Judiciary of Thailand
学会区分 国際学会
発表形式 口頭(招待・特別)
単独共同区分 単独
国名 タイ王国|タイ
開催地名 Tokyo
開催期間 2024/07/17~2024/07/26
概要 According to the Supreme Court in 2024, the legislative purpose of the former Eugenics Protection Law cannot be considered legitimate, even taking into account the social situation at the time.
The Supreme Court ruled that it was a demand for a serious sacrifice of reproductive capacity, which grossly violated the individual dignity and personality, and violated Article 13 of the Constitution.
The Court also ruled that the former Eugenics Protection Law discriminates against people with disabilities and violates Article 14 of the Constitution, which provides for equality before the law.