ツジ ユウイチロウ   TSUJI YUICHIRO
  辻 雄一郎
   所属   明治大学  法学部
   職種   専任教授
発表年月日 2024/11/22
発表テーマ Japan’s Version of the Proportionality - Horizontal and Vertical Effect
会議名 International Scientific Conference "Constitutional Effectiveness in Private Law: Asian Experience and Comparative Perspective"
主催者 Vietnam National University, Hanoi
学会区分 国際学会
発表形式 口頭(招待・特別)
単独共同区分 単独
招待講演 招待講演
国名 ベトナム
開催地名 Hanoi, Vietnam
開催期間 2024/11/22~2024/11/23
発表者・共同発表者 Yuichiro Tsuji
概要 In Japan, the relationship between the government and individuals is considered to be vertical, and the relationship between individuals is considered to be horizontal. In Japan, the Constitution is considered to be the highest norm above all laws. There has been debate about how the human rights provisions of the Constitution are applied to contracts and illegal actions between private individuals
researchmap用URL https://law.vnu.edu.vn/article-Hoi-thao-khoa-hoc-quoc-te-%E2%80%9DHieu-luc-cua-Hien-phap-trong-luat-tu--Kinh-nghiem-chau-A-va-goc-nhin-so-sanh%E2%80%9D-35956-1158.html
researchmap用URL2 https://law.vnu.edu.vn/article-Hoi-thao-khoa-hoc-quoc-te-%E2%80%9DHieu-luc-cua-Hien-phap-trong-luat-tu--Kinh-nghiem-chau-A-va-goc-nhin-so-sanh%E2%80%9D-35956-1158.html