Department Undergraduate School , School of Agriculture Position Associate Professor |
Date | 2019/12/12 |
Presentation Theme | Microbe-dependent metabolite of α-linolenic acid alleviates contact hypersensitivity by inhibiting the development of inducible skin-associated lymphoid tissue. |
Conference | 第48回日本免疫学会学術集会 |
Conference Type | Domestic |
Presentation Type | Speech (General) |
Contribution Type | Collaborative |
Country | Japan |
Venue | アクトシティー浜松(静岡) |
Holding period | 2019/12/11~2019/12/13 |
Publisher and common publisher | ◎Nagatake T, Honda T, Saika A, Hosomi K, Matsunaga A, Kabashima K, and Kunisawa J. |
Details | 口頭発表とポスター発表 |