Department   Undergraduate School  , School of Agriculture
   Position   Associate Professor
Date 2022/12/08
Presentation Theme Adjuvant activity of chemically synthesized Alcaligenes Lipid A to augment immune responses against Haemophilus Influenzae type B conjugate vaccine.
Conference 第51回日本免疫学会学術集会
Conference Type Domestic
Presentation Type Speech (General)
Contribution Type Collaborative
Country Japan
Venue 熊本城ホール(熊本)
Holding period 2022/12/07~2022/12/09
Publisher and common publisher Liu Z, Hosomi K, Shimoyama A, Yoshii K, Sun X, Lan H, Wang Y, Yamaura H, Kenneth D, Saika A, Nagatake T, Kiyono H, Fukase K, Kunisawa J.
Details 口頭発表とポスター発表