Department Undergraduate School , School of Commerce Position Professor |
Date | 2017/01/29 |
Presentation Theme | "Ireland to fukugo-kokka-ron" ["Ireland and the Concept of Composite State"] (Co-Presenter) |
Conference | Pt. 2 of "Europe fukugo-kokka-ron no kano-sei: Igirisu-shiso-shi-kenkyu tono taiwa" ["Exploring the Potential of the Concept of European Composite States: A Dialogue with the Studies in British Intellectual History"], organized by the Research Group on the History of Ideas concerning the British Composite State |
Conference Type | Workshop/Symposium |
Presentation Type | Panelist at Symposium/Workshop (Appointed) |
Contribution Type | Collaborative |
Venue | Kyoto U, Kyoto |
Publisher and common publisher | Hideki Kuwajima (Chair); Takamichi Sato (Chair); Shunsuke Katsuta (Co-Presenter); Eiri Saito (Co-Presenter); Atsushi Kamata (Commentator); Ryuta Nuki (Commentator) |