ツジ ユウイチロウ   TSUJI YUICHIRO
  辻 雄一郎
   所属   明治大学  法学部
   職種   専任教授
発表年月日 2019/12/14
発表テーマ Dialogues between the Legislature and Judiciary in Japan
会議名 Asian Law and Society Association
主催者 Asian Law and Society Association
学会区分 国際学会
発表形式 口頭(一般)
単独共同区分 単独
開催地名 Osaka university
概要 Japanese Judiciary's passive attitude might have changed after the judicial reforms. The Supreme Court and inferior courts may exercise more judicial review in the 2000s. Although the number of unconstitutional decisions is smaller than that of the US, a review of the legality of administrative action might encourage the Diet more to abolish or modify statutes than a review of the constitutionality of a statute or an administrative disposition might. A review of the legality of administrative action might be better to change the legislature’s action than a decision on constitutionality might be.