Department   Undergraduate School  , School of Commerce
   Position   Professor
Date 2024/06/19
Presentation Theme Spontaneous Growth of a Community in a Metropolitan Area in Tokyo, Japan
Promoters Hanken School of Economics and University of Helsinki, Finland
Conference Type International
Presentation Type Speech (General)
Contribution Type Collaborative
Country Finland
Venue ヘルシンキ
Holding period 2023/06/17~2023/06/20
Publisher and common publisher Kazuo Kikuchi and Masaaki Takemura
Details The aim of this study was to investigate a suitable theoretical framework for elucidating the spontaneous growth of a community within an upscale metropolitan area in Tokyo, Japan. With this aim in mind, we examined the emergence of marché (a periodic market) as a case study. The marché serves as a physical space where primary various goods are sold. In the case study, we will show the event-fostering functions carried out by the marché operators as a notable aspect. To specify these functions will necessitate the development of a novel theoretical framework, distinct from previous studies on the emergence of marché.