アイザワ マモル   Aizawa Mamoru
  相澤 守
   所属   明治大学  理工学部
   職種   専任教授
Date 2003/10
Presentation Theme “Cellular Response of Osteoblast to Apatite Fiber Scaffolds with Various Pore Sizes for Tissue Engineering of Bonr“[Invited lecture]
Presentation Type Speech (General)
Publisher and common publisher [Invited lecture] M. Aizawa, H. Shinoda, H. Uchida, I. Okada, T. J. Fujimi, N. Kanzawa, M. Matsumoto, H. Morisue and Y. Toyama,
The 8^th^ IUMRS International Conference on Advanced Materials, Yokohama, Japan, October 8-13 (2003).