Nakanishi Aki
Department Undergraduate School , School of Business Administration Position Professor |
Date | 2015/07/13 |
Presentation Theme | A company as a "Home": "The Logic of IE"and "Burakku kigyo" problems in Japan |
Conference | 33rd Standing Conference on organisational Symbolism (SCOS) |
Conference Type | International |
Presentation Type | Speech (General) |
Contribution Type | Collaborative |
Venue | Nottingham Trent University |
Publisher and common publisher | Daisuke Sugihara, Toshio Takagi,Masato Yotsumoto, Hajime Ushimaru |
Details | Recently, "burakku kigyo" (black enterprise) phenomenon became a serious social problem in Japan."Burakku kigyo" (black enterprise) is known as the company that resorts to exploiting regular employees in their 20s and 30s, rather than part-timers, by forcing them to work excessively long hours without overtime pay. Young employees are subjected to power harassment because they are lulled into the notion that disobedience is not an option. Then some fall into depression to this presentation we attribute the cause of the "Burakku kigyo" problem to the Japanese traditional "IE" perspective. In particular, we focus on the following three points:(1)a survey of "the logic of IE", (2) the present situation of the "burakku kigyo" problem in Japan, and (3) the ways in which "burakku kigyo" legitimates excessive work through using the discourse of "IE". |