Takemura Masaaki
Department Undergraduate School , School of Commerce Position Professor |
Date | 2009/12/03 |
Presentation Theme | A Case Study on the Next Strategy of Japanese Company in CEE |
Conference | 17th Annural Conference of Markeitng and Business Strategies for Central and Eastern Europe in Vienna |
Promoters | Vienna University |
Presentation Type | Speech (General) |
Contribution Type | Collaborative |
Publisher and common publisher | "Yoritoshi Hara, Kenichi Hosoi" |
Details | "This paper treats with a case of the next strategy of a Japanese company that has run its factory in the Czech Republic. The country is shifting to the economically advanced stage where firms should gain knowledge-based advantage. Face to with increasing labor cost, the Japanese company, which entered the country to seek lower labor cost a decade ago, is considering altering its cost-driven management toward knowledge-based one, rather than shifting production to countries with lower labor costs. The strategy means turning the factory into the “mother factory.” We reveal what the mother factory is and how it is managed." |