Ejima Akiko
Department Undergraduate School , School of Law Position Professor |
Date | 2010/11/04 |
Presentation Theme | The U.N. Treaties in practice: the Individual Complaint mechanism in Japan |
Conference | The Rights of Individual Complaint under the UN Human Rights Treaties: Promoting Human Rights in Japan through U.N. Treaties |
Promoters | EUIJ Waseda University |
Conference Type | Workshop/Symposium |
Presentation Type | Speech (General) |
Contribution Type | Collaborative |
Venue | Tokyo, Japan |
Publisher and common publisher | Paul Green, International Commission of Jurists, Gerhard Thallinger, Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Austria), Roeland Böcker / Orsolya Makar, Petr Konupka, Mr. Fumio Takemura, Vice Chair, JFBA Committee on Realization of Individual Complaint Mechanisms under ICCPR and Other Treaties, Professor Akiko Ejima, Meiji University |