Abe Naoto
Department Undergraduate School , School of Science and Technology Position Professor |
Date | 2016/08/24 |
Presentation Theme | Vibration Control of Two-layer Structure Using Semi-active Dynamic Absorber |
Promoters | The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers |
Conference Type | Domestic |
Presentation Type | Speech (General) |
Contribution Type | Collaborative |
Publisher and common publisher | Shota YOSHIDA and Naoto ABE |
Details | A dynamic vibration absorber is used for the purpose of preventing resonance phenomena of structures. But a passive mass damper is not effective except for the specific requency. Therefore, if there exists several modes, it is generally used several passive mass damper to suppress two or more modes of vibration. In this paper, it aims at restraining the primary and secondary modes by one semi-active dynamic absorber installed on the top of the two degrees of freedom structure. The semi-active dynamic absorber consists of a mass, springs, and air dampers. The air damper can be changed the damping and stiffness by changing the aerial inflow amount. In this paper, vibration control is performed by switching two parameters which aims at restraining the primary and secondary modes by H infinity norm. |