Abe Naoto
Department Undergraduate School , School of Science and Technology Position Professor |
Date | 2017/11/10 |
Presentation Theme | State predictive control by integral approximation for inverted pendulum with time delay |
Conference Type | Domestic |
Presentation Type | Speech (General) |
Contribution Type | Collaborative |
Publisher and common publisher | S. Fukunaga, N. Abe |
Details | This paper presents the experimental results for an inverted pendulum with time delay. State predictive control requires integral approximation. The approximation error increase depending on the approximation method as a result it gives rise to an unstable response. However, this problem can be solved using the strictly proper approximations reported by L-Mirkin and the integral approximation via convolution reported by QC-Zhong in 2004. Our experiments have shown that the inverted pendulum with time delay is stabilized under approximating distributed delay control laws with the strictly proper approximations and the integral approximate by convolution. We will examine the efficiency and practical use of the above system and method. |