Abe Naoto
Department Undergraduate School , School of Science and Technology Position Professor |
Date | 2021/11/13 |
Presentation Theme | Closed Identification Using Subspace System Identification Based on CCA Method and Unified System Identification |
Conference Type | Domestic |
Presentation Type | Speech (General) |
Contribution Type | Collaborative |
Holding period | 2021/11/13~2021/11/14 |
Publisher and common publisher | Hideyuki Shin and Naoto Abe |
Details | This paper proposes closed identification based on CCA(Canonical correlation analysis)
method using relation about output noise between input-output-data. First, the theory about closed identification is shown and verified by simulation and experiment. After that, using this closed identification method, a unified system identification method that utilizes a small amount of divergent data for an unstable system is proposed in this paper |