Abe Naoto
Department Undergraduate School , School of Science and Technology Position Professor |
Date | 2023/03/10 |
Presentation Theme | The estimation of time delay according to the time constant |
Conference Type | Domestic |
Presentation Type | Speech (General) |
Contribution Type | Collaborative |
Holding period | 2023/03/08~2023/03/11 |
Publisher and common publisher | Hideyuki Shin & Naoto Abe |
Details | This paper proposes an estimation method for time delay of a system with a long time constant.
While it is shown that time delay estimation is possible by checking the order of the estimated model for a system with a short time constant, it is difficult to apply for a system with long time delay because the order hardly change according the time delay. In this paper, it is shown that the zeros of the estimated model are keys to estimate time delay by simulation, and that estimation of time delay is possible by checking zeros of the system. |