Department   Professional Graduate School  , Graduate School of Global Business
   Position   Professor
Period 2022/09~2022/09
Activity form Social Activities
Title SDGs and Business Management Towards the Development of Social Entrepreneurs for SDG Business, AOTS(新興国15カ国向け)
Category Seminar or workshop
Role Lecturer
Sponser,Organizer, Publisher The Association for Overseas Technical Cooperation and Sustainable Partnerships (AOTS) Collaborated by AOTS Alumni Societies
Audience Researchesrs,General,Company
Details Since the adoption of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) at the UN Summit in 2015, SDG
initiatives have attracted interest as a business opportunity and have become a core management issue
for companies as the search continues on a global scale for how to integrate the SDGs into management.
In this program, participants will learn about the background to the birth of the SDGs, the SDGs in
business strategy and the SDGs as an opportunity for innovation. In addition, it is said that Japanese
companies have long been able to achieve growth through the recognition of social issues, and the
commonalities between the unique Japanese spirit and the SDGs approach will be revealed.
Furthermore, by touching on successful SDGs case studies, the program aims to equip company owners,
executives and senior managers with the knowledge they need to see SDG management as an
opportunity for their company's sustainable growth and to put it into practice