1. |
2024/11/20 |
Experimental Evaluation on Flexural Rigidity of the Bio-Inspired Honeycomb Cores With Square Tubes(ASME 2024 International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition (IMECE2024))
2. |
2024/11/20 |
Numerical and Experimental Evaluation on Shear Modulus of Cylindrical Honeycomb Core Structures(ASME 2024 International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition (IMECE2024))
3. |
2024/11/20 |
Theoretical and Experimental Evaluation on Shear Modulus of Bio-Inspired Honeycomb Cores With Square Tubes(ASME 2024 International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition (IMECE2024))
4. |
2024/11/18 |
Decomposition Method for Helmholtz Resonators Using Origami-Inspired Deployable Cylinders(ASME 2024 International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition (IMECE2024))
5. |
2024/11/03 |
Numerical Analysis and Experimental Evaluation on Shear Rigidity of Cylindrical Honeycomb Core Structures(The 17th International Symposium on Mechanics, Aerospace and Informatics Engineering 2024)
6. |
2024/11/03 |
Origami Engineering Bridging Shapes and Dynamics(The 17th International Symposium on Mechanics, Aerospace and Informatics Engineering 2024)
7. |
2024/11/03 |
The Effects of Square Tubes on Flexural Rigidity of the Bio-inspired Honeycomb Cores(The 17th International Symposium on Mechanics, Aerospace and Informatics Engineering 2024)
8. |
2024/11/03 |
Theoretical and Experimental Shear Characteristics of Bio-inspired Honeycomb Cores with Square Tubes(The 17th International Symposium on Mechanics, Aerospace and Informatics Engineering 2024)
9. |
2024/09/20 |
Swirling flows in origami-inspired deployable tube with spiral configuration(JSST2024 & AsiaSim2024 The 43rd JSST Annual International Conference on Simulation Technology & The 23rd Asia Simulation Conference)
10. |
2024/09/14 |
11. |
2024/09/07 |
折紙を用いた医療器具の提案(聖マリアンナ医科大学・明治大学 共同研究会)
12. |
2024/09/05 |
ねじり座屈パターンを持つ双安定な2層折り畳み構造を用いた防振機構(日本機械学会 Dynamics & Design Conference 2024)
13. |
2024/09/02 |
Acoustic Characterization of Helmholtz Resonators Using Origami-inspired Deployable Tubes(12th International Design and Concurrent Engineering Conference (iDECON2024))
14. |
2024/07/16 |
Design and Fabrication of Quasi-isotropic Origami Metamaterials(The 8th International Conference on Origami in Science, Mathematics and Education (8OSME))
15. |
2024/02/14 |
Geometrical Design and Mechanical Properties of Origami-inspired Cylindrical Honeycomb Cores(Australia and New Zealand Industrial and Applied Mathematics (ANZIAM2024))
16. |
2023/12/05 |
Mechanical Properties of Truncated-octahedron-based Metamaterials(The 11th International Symposium on Impact Engineering (ISIE2023))
17. |
2023/10/31 |
Analysis on Swirl Flows Induced in Origami-Based Spiral Deployable Cylinders(ASME 2023 International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition (IMECE2023))
18. |
2023/10/31 |
Performance of Vibration Isolators Using Two-Layered Foldable Structure Made of Sheet Material(ASME 2023 International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition (IMECE2023))
19. |
2023/09/26 |
Origami Engineering: From Mathematics to Engineering(STEM Blitz Seminar)
20. |
2023/09/23 |
21. |
2023/09/23 |
22. |
2023/09/06 |
23. |
2023/09/04 |
24. |
2023/09/02 |
Designing self-deployable membranes integrated with elastic frames(International Conference on Design and Concurrent Engineering & Manufacturing Systems Conference 2023)
25. |
2023/08/22 |
Enhanced designability of honeycomb cores(10th International Congress on Industrial and Applied Mathematics)
26. |
2023/03/16 |
27. |
2023/03/10 |
28. |
2023/03/10 |
29. |
2023/03/08 |
30. |
2022/12/06 |
Out-of-plane Strength of Cylindrical Honeycomb Cores(The 17th Asia-Pacific Conference on Fracture and Strength)
31. |
2022/11/17 |
円筒ハニカムコアの面外圧潰解析(日本機械学会 第35回計算力学講演会)
32. |
2022/11/02 |
33. |
2022/10/21 |
Extended Resonance Frequencies of Helmholtz Resonators Using Origami-inspired Deployable Cylinders(The 22nd International Symposium on Aerospace Technology & Manufacturing Process)
34. |
2022/09/21 |
ものづくりを取り入れた実践型ゼミナール:展開構造の設計と製作(日本機械学会 第32回設計工学・システム部門講演会)
35. |
2022/09/09 |
36. |
2022/09/08 |
折紙展開構造を利用したヘルムホルツ共鳴器の音響特性評価(日本機械学会 Dynamics & Design Conference 2022)
37. |
2022/09/02 |
Out-of-plane stiffness and strength of bio-inspired honeycomb cores with extra hollows(JSST2022 International Conference on Simulation Technology)
38. |
2022/06/07 |
39. |
2022/03/10 |
40. |
2022/03/09 |
二層折畳構造を利用した防振機構の力学的特性と防振性能(日本応用数理学会 2022年研究部会連合発表会)
41. |
2022/03/09 |
層流域におけるらせん型展開構造内流れの解析(日本応用数理学会 2022年研究部会連合発表会)
42. |
2022/03/09 |
折り目を再現した角錐台シェル構造における圧縮特性の評価(日本応用数理学会 2022年研究部会連合発表会)
43. |
2022/03/09 |
生物を模倣した新形状ハニカムコアの強度とエネルギ吸収量の評価(日本応用数理学会 2022年研究部会連合発表会)
44. |
2021/12/03 |
折紙タイヤプロジェクト2019とその後(明治大学MIMS 現象数理学研究拠点 共同研究集会)
45. |
2021/11/05 |
Numerical and theoretical evaluation of out-of-plane stiffness of truss core panels(The 21st International Symposium on Aerospace Technology & Manufacturing Process)
46. |
2021/09/22 |
切頂八面体を基にした多層コアパネルの衝撃吸収特性(日本機械学会 第34回計算力学講演会)
47. |
2021/09/16 |
折紙タイヤの設計と実車試験(日本機械学会 第31回設計工学・システム部門講演会)
48. |
2021/09/14 |
RC造免震建物の数値モデリングとモーダル解析(日本機械学会 Dynamics & Design Conference 2021)
49. |
2021/09/13 |
展開構造の形状が共鳴器の音響特性に及ぼす影響(日本機械学会 Dynamics & Design Conference 2021)
50. |
2021/09/07 |
ねじり座屈パターンを持つ2層折り畳み構造の除振台への応用(日本機械学会 2021年度年次大会)
51. |
2021/09/07 |
52. |
2021/09/01 |
Application to anti-vibration table of two-layered origami structures(JSST2021 International Conference on Simulation Technology)
53. |
2021/09/01 |
Numerical evaluation on the out-of-plane properties of bio-inspired honeycomb cores with extra hollows(JSST2021 International Conference on Simulation Technology)
54. |
2021/03/10 |
55. |
2021/03/10 |
56. |
2021/03/05 |
配列の異なるコアパネルの幾何学形状と機械的特性の関係(日本応用数理学会 2021年研究部会連合発表会)
57. |
2020/12/04 |
ハニカム構造の力学(明治大学MIMS研究集会 幾何学・連続体力学・情報科学の交差領域の探索)
58. |
2020/11/16 |
展開構造の多様な工学応用(精密工学会 第409回講習会)
59. |
2020/11/06 |
Enhanced out-of-plane strength of bio-inspired honeycomb cores with extra hollows(The 20th International Symposium on Aerospace Technology and Manufacturing Process)
60. |
2020/10/27 |
61. |
2020/09/10 |
62. |
2020/09/02 |
非線形ばね特性を有する折りたたみ構造の過渡応答解析(日本機械学会 Dynamics & Design Conference 2020)
63. |
2020/08/17 |
Design and Amplitude Dependence of Resonance Frequency of Origami-Inspired Vibration Isolators With Quasi-Zero-Stiffness Characteristic(ASME 2020 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences & Computers and Information in Engineering Conference)
64. |
2020/03/05 |
ハニカム状トラスコアパネルの衝撃エネルギ吸収特性評価(日本応用数理学会 2020年研究部会連合発表会)
65. |
2020/03/05 |
双安定性を持つ折り畳み構造を利用した防振機構の設計と性能評価(日本応用数理学会 2020年研究部会連合発表会)
66. |
2020/03/05 |
折り畳み構造のインバーション変形によるエネルギ吸収材の設計と評価(日本応用数理学会 2020年研究部会連合発表会)
67. |
2019/11/05 |
Numerical analysis of cylindrical honeycomb cores(JSST2019 International Conference on Simulation Technology)
68. |
2019/10/24 |
Manufacturing Process and On-vehicle Test of Paper Honeycomb Tires Based on Origami(The 19th International Symposium on Aerospace Technology and Manufacturing Process)
69. |
2019/09/04 |
Design and Energy Absorption of Folding Pyramidal Shell Structures(The 14th International Symposium on Mechanics, Aerospace and Informatics Engineering 2019)
70. |
2019/09/04 |
Design and On-vehicle Test of Paper Honeycomb Tires Based on Origami(The 14th International Symposium on Mechanics, Aerospace and Informatics Engineering 2019)
71. |
2019/09/04 |
Experimental analysis of strength of cylindrical honeycomb cores(The 14th International Symposium on Mechanics, Aerospace and Informatics Engineering 2019)
72. |
2019/09/04 |
Numerical Analysis of Inner Flow Characteristic in a Folding Pipe(The 14th International Symposium on Mechanics, Aerospace and Informatics Engineering 2019)
73. |
2019/09/04 |
Spring Characteristics of Vibration Isolator Using Foldable Sturcture with Air Suspension Mechanism(The 14th International Symposium on Mechanics, Aerospace and Informatics Engineering 2019)
74. |
2019/09/04 |
Study on stiffness and strength of core structures with different core shapes(The 14th International Symposium on Mechanics, Aerospace and Informatics Engineering 2019)
75. |
2019/08/29 |
内圧を受ける円筒型ハニカムコアの機械的特性(日本機械学会 Dynamics and Design Conference 2019)
76. |
2019/08/19 |
Experimental Study on Folding Patterns and Deployability of Inflatable Structures(ASME 2019 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences & Computers and Information in Engineering Conference)
77. |
2019/07/17 |
Design of Folding Structures for Improving Energy-Absorbing Performance(9th International Congress on Industrial and Applied Mathematics)
78. |
2019/07/17 |
Design of Vibration Isolator Using Foldable Structure and Air Spring(9th International Congress on Industrial and Applied Mathematics)
79. |
2019/07/17 |
Numerical Evaluation on Flow Characteristic in a Folding Pipe(9th International Congress on Industrial and Applied Mathematics)
80. |
2019/07/17 |
Origami Engineering: Application of Paper-made Honeycomb Cores(9th International Congress on Industrial and Applied Mathematics)
81. |
2019/06/04 |
82. |
2019/05/29 |
Origami × Mechanical Engineering: Introduction to Origami-based Vibration Isolator(OIST workshop on Origami and Deployable Mechanisms)
83. |
2019/04/27 |
84. |
2019/03/05 |
エネルギ吸収量向上のための折畳構造の圧潰特性の研究(日本応用数理学会 2019年研究部会連合発表会)
85. |
2019/03/05 |
折り畳み構造を利用した防振機構における空気ばねの応用(日本応用数理学会 2019年研究部会連合発表会)
86. |
2019/03/05 |
折り畳み構造内流れの特性評価(日本応用数理学会 2019年研究部会連合発表会)
87. |
2018/10/28 |
Acoustic properties of resonators using deployable cylinders(18th Asia Simulation Conference)
88. |
2018/09/18 |
Fundamental study on acoustic properties of resonators using deployable cylinders(JSST2018 International Conference on Simulation Technology)
89. |
2018/09/13 |
Energy Absorption Characteristic of Folding Pyramidal Shell Structures(The 13th International Symposium on Mechanics, Aerospace and Informatics Engineering 2018)
90. |
2018/09/13 |
Extension of Load Range and Performance Evaluation of Origami-Inspired Vibration Isolators with Quasi-Zero-Stiffness Characteristics(The 13th International Symposium on Mechanics, Aerospace and Informatics Engineering 2018)
91. |
2018/09/13 |
Optimum Design for Inflatable Structure(The 13th International Symposium on Mechanics, Aerospace and Informatics Engineering 2018)
92. |
2018/09/10 |
円筒型ハニカムコア設計の幾何学的考察(日本機械学会 2018年度年次大会)
93. |
2018/08/28 |
Improved Feasible Load Range and Its Effect on the Frequency Response of Origami-Inspired Vibration Isolators with Quasi-Zero-Stiffness Characteristics(ASME 2018 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences & Computers and Information in Engineering Conference)
94. |
2018/08/18 |
95. |
2018/03/15 |
折り畳み構造を利用した防振機構の荷重範囲の拡張と周波数特性(日本応用数理学会 2018年研究部会連合発表会)
96. |
2018/03/15 |
環状折り畳み構造の展開図作成法と剛性検証(日本応用数理学会 2018年研究部会連合発表会)
97. |
2017/11/22 |
98. |
2017/10/27 |
Computational Design of Spherical Honeycomb Cores(JSST2017 International Conference on Simulation Technology)
99. |
2017/10/27 |
Shape optimization of truss core panels for energy absorption performance(JSST2017 International Conference on Simulation Technology)
100. |
2017/10/16 |
折紙の展開収縮構造を用いた防振機構(日本機械学会 耐震問題研究会)
101. |
2017/09/18 |
Numerical Evaluation of Impact Energy Absorption Characteristics of Truss Core Panels(The 4th International Conference on Design Engineering and Science)
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2017/09/08 |
103. |
2017/09/07 |
Performance Evaluation of Vibration Isolators Using Cylindrical Foldable Structures with Bistability(The 12th International Symposium on Mechanics, Aerospace and Informatics Engineering 2017)
104. |
2017/01/21 |
105. |
2016/11/19 |
折紙の数理と構造設計(数学と現象 in Miyazaki (MPM2016))
106. |
2016/11/09 |
Principle and experimental evaluation of origami-inspired vibration isolators(International Conference on Mathematical Modeling and Applications 2016 'Origami-Based Modeling and Analysis')
107. |
2016/09/13 |
双安定な展開収縮構造の除振性能(日本機械学会 2016年度年次大会)
108. |
2016/09/12 |
109. |
2016/08/24 |
Design and Experimental Analysis of Origami-inspired Vibration Isolators with Quasi-zero-stiffness Characteristic(ASME 2016 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences & Computers and Information in Engineering Conference)
110. |
2016/05/29 |
展開可能なコア構造の設計(日本設計工学会 2016年度春季研究発表講演会)
111. |
2015/11/20 |
折紙の数理と工学への応用(武蔵野大学 数理工学シンポジウム2015)
112. |
2015/11/18 |
双安定な折り畳み円筒構造を利用した防振器の設計(日本自動車技術会 振動騒音部門委員会)
113. |
2015/11/12 |
部材の弾性変形を活かした折りたたみ式防振機構(文部科学省 現象数理学共同研究協働拠点研究集会「文理融合を目指した折紙科学研究」)
114. |
2015/10/14 |
Design Concepts of Displacement Amplification Mechanism Using Folding Patterns of Origami(International Conference on Simulation Technology 2015)
115. |
2015/10/10 |
116. |
2015/09/19 |
Folding Origami/Jongie Jupgi: From Mathematics to Engineering(The 10th International Symposium on Mechanics, Aerospace and Informatics Engineering 2015)
117. |
2015/09/19 |
Manufacture and Evaluation of the Vibration Proof Structure Using Bistability of Cylindrical Folding Model(The 10th International Symposium on Mechanics, Aerospace and Informatics Engineering 2015)
118. |
2015/09/11 |
119. |
2015/08/26 |
折り畳み可能な構造の機械的特性の計測とその考察(日本機械学会 Dynamics & Design Conference 2015)
120. |
2015/08/05 |
Design Concepts and Prototypes of Vibration Isolators Using Bi-stable Foldable Structures(ASME 2015 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences & Computers and Information in Engineering Conference)
121. |
2015/07/13 |
Approach to Design of Mechanical Devices Using Foldable Structures(CMMA Monthly Seminar)
122. |
2015/05/30 |
123. |
2015/05/21 |
Shape Optimization of Energy Absorbers Consisting of Foldable Cylinders Using Response Surface Methodology(The 4th Korea-Japan Joint Symposium on Dynamics & Control)
124. |
2015/03/06 |
125. |
2015/01/28 |
折り畳み構造の双安定性を利用した防振機構 ―折紙工学の新たな展望―(MIMS数理折紙と計算科学融合研究講演会)
126. |
2015/01/21 |
折紙の数理とその工学応用(駿台懇話会 連合駿台会学術奨励賞受賞記念講演会)
127. |
2014/11/07 |
128. |
2014/10/27 |
Origami Evolution from Mathematics to Engineering(Forum "Math-for-Industry" 2014)
129. |
2014/09/30 |
Displacement amplification mechanism based on folding patterns of origami(The 67th ICAT/JTTAS Joint International Smart Actuator Symposium)
130. |
2014/09/03 |
131. |
2014/08/29 |
折り畳み可能な構造を利用した新しい防振機構に関する考察(日本機械学会 Dynamics & Design Conference 2014)
132. |
2014/08/19 |
Regular Folding Pattern Generation for Deployable Non-Axisymmetric Tubes(ASME 2014 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences & Computers and Information in Engineering Conference)
133. |
2014/08/11 |
Origami-based Modeling Techniques for Deployable Meandering Tubes(The 6th International Meeting on Origami in Science, Mathematics and Education)
134. |
2014/08/11 |
Sound Insulating Performance on Origami-based Sandwich Trusscore Panels(The 6th International Meeting on Origami in Science, Mathematics and Education)
135. |
2014/05/22 |
Bi-stability of Origami-based Structures and its Application to Mechanical Design(US-Japan Workshop on Soft Matter based Active Materials and Tactile Sensing and Their Integrated Systems)
136. |
2014/03/27 |
FEMシミュレーションによる高剛性サンドイッチパネルの遮音性能評価(平成25年度文部科学省 数学・数理科学と諸科学・産業との連携研究ワークショップ 「折紙工学の深化と適用拡大に貢献する現象数理学」)
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2014/02/28 |
138. |
2013/12/03 |
伝統折紙の“技”! 曲がった筒の折り畳み設計手法(龍谷大学・明治大学 新技術説明会)
139. |
2013/12/03 |
折紙の数理とその工学応用(第3回 計算力学シンポジウム)
140. |
2013/12 |
Inflatable Product Design Based on Origami Theory(the 5th Asia Pacific Congress on Computational Mechanics (APCOM 2013) & 4th International Symposium on Computational Mechanics (ISCM 2013))
141. |
2013/11 |
Folding in Nature and its Application to Engineering(International Conference on Mathematical Modeling and Application (ICMMA2013))
142. |
2013/10/01 |
Conformal Transformation and Deployable Structures(the 66th ICAT/JTTAS Joint International Smart Actuators/Sensors Symposium)
143. |
2013/09/09 |
応用数理の魅力とキャリアパス(日本応用数理学会2013年年会 パネルディスカッション)
144. |
2013/09 |
Design Techniques for Deployable Meandering Tubes(JSST2013 International Conference on Simulation Technology)
145. |
2013/09 |
Development of New Perturbation Method with Complementary Terms(JSST2013 International Conference on Simulation Technology)
146. |
2013/09 |
147. |
2013/09 |
148. |
2013/08 |
Application of Conformal Maps to Origami-Based Structures: New Method to Design Deployable Circular Membranes(ASME 2013 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences & Computers and Information in Engineering Conference)
149. |
2013/08 |
トラスコアパネルの遮音性能評価(日本機械学会 Dynamics & Design Conference 2013)
150. |
2013/07/31 |
Origami's Geometry and Structure Design(The 1st MIMS Seminar for Origami and Computational Sciences)
151. |
2013/07/30 |
トラスコアパネルの遮音特性(日本自動車技術会 振動騒音部門委員会)
152. |
2013/01/31 |
153. |
2012/11/16 |
等角写像の折紙への応用(平成24年度文部科学省 数学・数理科学と諸科学・産業との連携研究ワークショップ 「折紙工学の深化と適用拡大に貢献する数理科学」)
154. |
2012/10 |
Systematic Technique to Model Origami Structures by Using Conformal Maps(Asia Simulation Conference & the International Conference on System Simulation and Scientific Computing)
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2012/10 |
156. |
2012/09 |
等角写像の折紙への応用(日本機械学会 Dynamics & Design Conference 2012)
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2012/08 |
折紙造形への数学的アプローチ ―等角写像の応用―(日本応用数理学会2012年度年会)
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2011/10/22 |
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2003/07 |
一定な温度勾配をもつ 2枚の鉛直平行平板間の流れの分岐(日本流体力学会2003年度年会)
160. |
2003 |
Bifurcation of the flow between two vertical parallel plates with a constant temperature gradient(British Applied Mathematics Colloquium 2003)