    (最終更新日:2023-08-18 14:47:36)
  リト マリオ アルフォンソニセイ   LETO MARIO ALFONSO II
  リト, マリオA.
   所属   明治大学  国際日本学部
   職種   特任講師
■ 著書・論文
1. 2017 論文  "Marr and English's Why do linguistics? Reflective linguistics and the study of language." British Association of Applied Linguistics Newsletter  (単著) 
2. 2015 論文  "The Utility of Metaphor in the Language Classroom" Studies in Foreign Language Education  (単著) 
3. 2015 論文  “Reader Response Theory and Cross-Cultural Explorations: The Short Fiction of Lapcharoensap, Bezmozgis, and Li.” Lit Matters: The Liberlit Journal of Teaching Literature  (単著) 
4. 2014 論文  "Happy Science and Religious Attraction: Written Discourse Analysis of Evangelical Material" Journal of Modern Languages and Culture  (単著) 
■ 学会発表
1. 2018 Ecolinguistics: Ethical challenges in language education(2nd International Conference on English Across the Curriculum)
2. 2018 Stories of Veganism in News Media: Shaping Ideologies in Human-Animal Relations(1st Biannual Conference on Food and Communication)
3. 2017 "Butcher's Steak & Fun": The representation of animals in online media about veganism and meat consumption(British Association of Applied Linguistics 2017)
4. 2017 Implicit nationalist rhetoric in government policy and media reporting on tourist accommodation(6th New Zealand Discourse Conference)
5. 2016 'Unhealthy, Nutritious, Cruel, and Delicious': A Critical Multimodal Analysis of National Geographic's Assessment of Meat Consumption(British Association of Applied Linguistics 2016)
■ 学歴
1. 2015/09~2023/05 University of Gloucestershire Humanities Ecolinguistics 博士課程修了 PhD
2. 2010/11~2013/07 University of Birmingham Applied Linguistics 修士課程修了 Master of Arts
3. 1994/09~1997/05 Eastern Illinois University 20th-Century American Literature 修士課程修了 Master of Arts
■ 所属学会
1. 2018~ International Ecolinguistics Association Link
2. 2018~ The Japan Ecolinguistics Association Link
■ ホームページ