(Last updated : 2024-06-21 15:14:04)
   Department   Undergraduate School  , School of Commerce
   Position   Professor
■ Books and Papers
1. 2024/06 Article Review of Backlash: Libel, Impeachment, and Populism in the Reign of Queen Anne, by Rachel Carnell _Annual Bulletin of the Japanese Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies_ (39),pp.104-105 (Single) 
2. 2024/03 Article Review of Infinite Variety: Literary Invention, Theology, and the Disorder of Kinds, 1688-1730, by Wolfram Schmidgen _The Annals of the Japanese Association for the Study of Puritanism_ 18,pp.69-70 (Single) 
3. 2023/03 Article Review of The Nostalgic Imagination: History in English Criticism, by Stefan Collini, translated by Yasuhiro Kondo _Studies in British Philosophy_ (46),pp.55-57 (Single) 
4. 2023/01 Book Keimo-shiso no hyakka-jiten [The Encyclopedia of the Enlightenment]  pp.338-339, 631 (Collaboration)  Link
5. 2022/10 Article "Ichiban-deshi kara mita shisho" ["The Character of the Late Professor Kobayashi: A Memoir by His First Mentee"] _Soundings_ (48),pp.23-27 (Single) 
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■ Conference Presentations
1. 2021/09/22 "'Kamiawanai' giron eno shiso-si-gaku karano chosen: Igirisu-fukugo-kokka-ron ni kansuru rekishi-gaku tono taiwa no kokoromi" ["Challenging the Arguments at 'Cross-Purposes' from the Perspective of the History of Ideas: An Experimental Dialogue with Historical Studies concerning the Concept of the British Composite State"] (Joint Respondent) (Workshop by the Group of Scholars of the History of Ideas Working on the British Composite State)
2. 2020/12/20 "Kokkyo-kai-bokushi toshite-no Jonathan Swift: Sono shukyo-teki-gensetsu wo nagameru" ["Jonathan Swift, an Anglican Clergyman: An Overview of His Religious Discourses"] (Research Report at the 9th Workshop on Joseph Butler)
3. 2019/02/20 "Anata no shiranai Jonathan Swift: Gulliver-ryoko-ki no gyokan kara mieru sekai" ["Some Things You Didn't Know about Jonathan Swift: A Fresh Vista Seen between the Lines of Gulliver's Travels"] (February Lecture Meeting of the Society of Reliable Adults)
4. 2018/07/14 "Pope saiho" ["Alexander Pope Revisited"] (Co-Presenter) (Symposium at the 51st Annual Meeting of the Johnson Society of Japan)
5. 2017/05/13 "Hensetsu-sha no hon'i towa? Jonathan Swift no seiji-shiso wo saguru" ["What Is the True Intention of a Supposed Proselyte in Later Stuart Politics? An Exploration of the Political Thought of Jonathan Swift"] (Lecture at the 69th Meeting of Soundings English Literary Association)
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■ Academic Qualifications
1. Doctoral Program in English and American Literature, Graduate Division of Humanities, Sophia University,
Degree Acquisition
Sophia University, Doctor of Philosophy in English and American Literature
■ Teaching Activities
● Other Special Instructions related to Educational Experiences
1. 2023/04/01~ President of the Society for Subcultural Studies at Meiji University
■ Academic Associations Membership
1. 2016/04~ Japanese Association for the Study of Puritanism
2. 2016/06~2021/06 ∟ Member of the Board of Executive Directors
3. 2016/06~2021/06 ∟ Member of the Editorial Board
4. 2016/01~ Japanese Society for British Philosophy
5. 2007/04~ Kanto Branch of the English Literary Society of Japan
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■ Certificates and Licenses
1. Specialized Certificate for Teaching in Junior High School (English)
2. Specialized Certificate for Teaching in Senior High School (English)
■ Research Topics, Consignment Studies & KAKENHI Researches
1. 2024/04~  Intellectual History of Britain as a Composite State with a Special Focus on the Balance and Control of Centrifugal and Centripetal Forces within a Nation: Aspects of Reconstructing Compositeness of the State  (Key Word : )
2. 2023/11~  Commemorative Project for the 50th Anniversary of the Foundation of the Japanese Society for British Philosophy  (Key Word : )
3. 2021/04~2023/03  Investigations on Modern British Intellectual History with Special Attention to the Nature of Composite States: Balance and Control of Centrifugal and Centripetal Forces within a Nation  (Key Word : )
4. 2019/04~2020/03  Jonathan Swift as a Conservative Trimmer: An Ideological Reading of His English Politico-Religious Writings, 1701-1726  (Key Word : )
5. 2018/03~  Working Group for Dublin Studies  (Key Word : )
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■ Award History
1. 2009/01 17th Fukuhara Award (Research Grant Division) from the Fukuhara Memorial Fund for the Studies of English and American Literature
2. 2005/07 Honorable Mention for the 28th Young Scholar Award from the English Literary Society of Japan
3. 2002/05 19th Roggendorf Award from Soundings English Literary Association
■ Current Specialized Field
English literature and literature in the English language, History of thought, Politics, History of Europe and America (Key Word:Eighteenth-Century English Literature, History of Political Thought, Jonathan Swift) 
■ Other Achievement Records
1. 11 items are registered in "Swift Criticism Database" of the Ehrenpreis Centre for Swift Studies at Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster in Germany Link