    (Last updated : 2024-05-15 06:46:45)
  YAGI Takashi
   Department   Undergraduate School  , School of Political Science and Economics
   Position   Professor
■ Books and Papers
1. 2017/03 Article A Theory of Cost Structure Analysis The Review of Economics and Political Science 85(5,6),pp.75-89 (Single) 
2. 2017/02 Article A Simplified Method of Cost Structure Analysis The Ritsumeikan Economic Review 65(4),pp.608-618 (Single) 
3. 2016/10 Article Value Productivity of Labour Kiyo(Bulletin) 55(1),pp.311-319 (Single) 
4. 2016/01 Book Distruibution and Capital Economic Theory and Its History  (Collaboration) 
5. 2016/01 Article Distribution and Capital Economic Theory and Its History  (Single) 
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■ Conference Presentations
1. 2018/09/18 Japanese Industries under Abenomics (International Conference on Economic Theory and Policy)
2. 2018/06/09 Surplus and Reproduction (Annual Conference of European Society for History of Economic Thought)
3. 2017/11/25 The Cost Structure Analysis of Taiwanese Industries (Conference of Taiwan Association of Input-Output Studies)
4. 2017/11/06 Japanese Industrial Structure under Abenomics (Workshop on Abenomics and the Transmission Mechanisms of Economic Policy)
5. 2017/09/17 Multi-Regional Comparison of Chinese Industries (International Conference on Economic Theory and Policy)
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■ Academic Qualifications
1. 1985/04~1991/03 〔Doctorial Course〕 Economic Theory, Graduate School of Economics, Waseda University, Accomplished credits for doctoral program,
2. 1984/03/25
Degree Acquisition
Waseda University, Master of Economics
3. 1978/04~1982/03 School of Political Science and Economics, Waseda University, Graduated,
■ Career History
1. 2009/04 Meiji University School of Polotical Science and Economics Professor of Economic Theory
2. 2012/04 Gunma University Professor Emeritus
3. 2002/04~2017/03 Nihon University College of Economics Lecturer part-time.
4. 2013/04~2014/09 Waseda University Lecturere(Part-time),Intermediate Seminar 27
5. 2003/12~2009/03 Gunma University Professor of Economics, Faculty of Social and Information Studies
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■ Teaching Activities
● Presentations/ Lectures on Educational Method or Practice
1. 2015/04 Invited Lecture: Workshop on Input-Output Analysis
■ Academic Associations Membership
1. 1986/11~ Japanese Economic Association
2. 1996/11 The Japanese Society for the History of Economic Thought
3. 1997/03 Pan-Pacific Association of Input Output Studies(PAPAIOS)
4. 2008/05~2016/06 ∟ Editorial Bord Member of Business Journal of PAPAIOS
5. 2014/04~2014/11 ∟ Program Committee Member
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■ Research Topics, Consignment Studies & KAKENHI Researches
1.   Structural Change and Macroeconomic Analysis  (Key Word : )
2. 2006  Structural Change and Economic Growth  (Key Word : )
3. 2005/04~2007/03  New Productiviti Indexes and Capital Theory  (Key Word : )
■ Committees and Associations
1. 2021/07/14~ Bulletin of Political Economy Editorial Board Link
2. 2021/03/01~ Editor-in-Chief, Journal of Economic Structures Editor-in-Chief Link
3. 2020/07/01~2021/02/28 Journal of Economic Structures, Springer Editor Link
4. 2017~ Artha Vijnana Link
5. 2014~2014/10/17 the colloquium "After Sraffa" Scientific Committee
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■ Web Sites
■ Email Addresses
■ Current Specialized Field
Economic theory, Economic doctrines and economic thought, Economic statistics (Key Word:Capital Theory, Distribution Theory, Sraffian Economics, Structural Change and Economic Grouth, Input Output Analysis, Theory of Inflation, etc.)