(Last updated : 2025-01-22 13:03:56)
  原島 章暢
   Department   Others  , Meiji High School
   Position   Teacher
■ Conference Presentations
1. 2023/02/19 Three-year phased S&W activities in high school: Speaking activities for consensus-building in the second year – Learning persuasive communication in relationships with others (Japan Association for the Study of Teaching English: Kanto Division 270th regular meeting)
2. 2023/10/07 Teaching CLIL for a philosophical inquiry - ways to motivate students to think English (The 6th J-CLIL Annual Bilingual Conference)
3. 2024/03/20 Three-year curriculum from tasks to CLIL: Empowering students to actively participate in CLIL lessons (Junior & Senior High CLIL Summit 2024)
4. 2024/11/17 From Tasks to CLIL: A Three-Year High School Curriculum for Developing Four Skills and Thinking abilities (Japan Association for the Study of Teaching English: Kanto Division Autumn Meeting)
5. 2024/12/14 Developing the Four Skills and Thinking Abilities in High School CLIL Lessons (Circle of Inter-cultural information and NEXus Annual Conference)
Display all(6)
■ Career History
1. 2009/04~ Meiji University Meiji High School & Junior High School
■ Academic Associations Membership
1. Japan Association for the Study of Teaching English: Kanto Division
2. Japan CLIL Pedagogy Association
3. 2023/12~ CINEX(Circle of Inter-cultural information and NEXus)
■ Current Specialized Field
Foreign language education