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2024/03/14 |
Geometric quantization of Lagrangian torus fibrations and adiabatic limit(第6回トロピカル幾何ワークショップ)
2. |
2022/12/04 |
Lattice point counting and Riemann-Roch(Poisson幾何とその周辺22)
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2021/06/22 |
Adiabatic limits, theta functions, and geometric quantization(RIMS共同研究“部分多様体論と関連する幾何構造研究の深化と融合”)
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2020/03/16 |
Adiabatic limits, theta functions, and geometric quantization(日本数学会2020年度年会・幾何学分科会)
5. |
2020/01/25 |
An index theoretic approach to RR-BS(Workshop on Topics in the Geometry and Topology of moduli spaces)
6. |
2020/01/25 |
Does the quantum Hilbert space depend on polarizations?(Workshop on Topics in the Geometry and Topology of moduli spaces)
7. |
2019/12/09 |
Adiabatic limits, Theta functions, and Geometric quantization(2019 Canadian Mathematical Society Winter Meeting)
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2019/11/20 |
Adiabatic limits, Theta functions, and Geometric quantization(Toric Topology 2019 in Okayama)
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2018/10/22 |
Adiabatic limits, theta functions, and geometric quantization(Symplectic Geometry Seminar)
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2018/06/05 |
Adiabatic limits, theta functions, and geometric quantization(研究集会“変換群論における幾何・代数・組み合わせ論”)
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2017/12/13 |
Adiabatic limits, theta functions, and geometric quantization of Lagrangian fibrations(Toric Topology 2017 in Osaka)
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2017/07/20 |
Theory of local index and its applications(Workshop on loop spaces, supersymmetry and index theory)
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2016/06/24 |
Theory of local index and its applications(水戸幾何セミナー)
14. |
2016/05/24 |
Equivariant local index and symplectic cut(研究集会“新しい変換群論とその周辺”)
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2015/12/21 |
Theory of local index and its applications(微分幾何学・トポロジーセミナー)
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2015/06/12 |
Theory of local index and its applications(首都大学幾何学セミナー)
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2015/03/25 |
Torus fibrations and localization of index(Mini-workshop on Topological State and Non-commutative Geometry)
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2014/08/10 |
Torus fibrations and localization of index(ICM 2014, Satellite Conference -Topology of Torus actions and applications to Geometry and Combinatorics)
19. |
2014/07/01 |
Torus fibrations and localization of index(NCTS (South) Geometry Conference - Mathematical New Goals)
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2013/08/30 |
Equivariant local index and symplectic cut(The 5th International Conference on Geometry and Quantization)
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2013/01/26 |
Torus fibrations and localization of index(UK-Japan Mathematical Forum)
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2012/12/07 |
Torus fibrations and localization of index(信州トポロジーセミナー)
23. |
2011/11/29 |
Equivariant local index(Toric Topology 2011 in Osaka)
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2011/09/13 |
Equivariant local index(The 4th International Conference on Geometry and Quantization)
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2011/09/08 |
Equivariant local index(International Conference "Toric Topology and Automorphic Functions")
26. |
2011/06/14 |
Equivariant local index(Geometry of Transformation groups and Combinatorics)
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2010/12/03 |
Equivariant local index and quantization conjecture(Toric Geometry, Toric topology, and Combinatorics)
28. |
2010/08/19 |
Torus fibrations and localization of index(The International Conference "Geometry, Topology, Algebra and Number Theory, Applications")
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2010/08/07 |
Torus fibrations and localization of index(第57回幾何学シンポジウム)
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2010/07/01 |
Torus fibrations and localization of index(研究集会“非可換幾何と数理物理”)
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2010/05/03 |
Torus fibrations and localization of index(Workshop on Toric Topology and Related Topics)
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2010/04/20 |
Torus fibrations and localization of index(微分トポロジーセミナー)
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2010/02/22 |
RR=#BS via localization of index(KAIST Toric Topology Workshop 2010)
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2009/12/10 |
Torus fibrations and localization of index(第36回変換群論シンポジウム)
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2009/10/20 |
Torus fibrations and localization of index(火曜トポロジーセミナー)
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2009/09/17 |
Torus fibrations and localization of index(Geometry for Quantization 2009)
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2009/09/08 |
Torus fibrations and localization of index(Third International Conference on Geometry and Quantization)
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2009/06/10 |
Acyclic polarizations and localization of Riemann-Roch numbers(微分幾何学セミナー)
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2009/02/25 |
Acyclic polarizations and localization of Riemann-Roch numbers(Workshop “Topology from infinite dimensional viewpoint”)
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2009/01/19 |
Acyclic polarizations and localization of Riemann-Roch numbers(微分幾何・トポロジーセミナー)
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2008/12/31 |
Acyclic polarizations and localization of Riemann-Roch numbers(Geometry Seminar)
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2008/12/27 |
Acyclic polarizations and localization of Riemann-Roch numbers(Fujisan one-day workshop in Geometry and Topology)
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2008/12/11 |
Acyclic polarizations and localization of Riemann-Roch numbers(Ikuta International workshop on Symplectic Geometry)
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2008/12/10 |
Acyclic polarizations and localization of Riemann-Roch numbers(東京幾何セミナー)
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2008/09/25 |
Acyclic polarizations and localization of Riemann-Roch numbers(日本数学会2008年度秋季総合分科会・幾何学分科会)
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2008/07/07 |
Acyclic polarizations and localization of Riemann-Roch numbers,(New Horizons in Toric Topology)
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2008/02/12 |
On local torus actions modeled on the standard representation(トポロジーセミナー)
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2008/01/23 |
On counting lattice points and Riemann-Roch numbers in Lagrangian fibrations(Symplectic Geometry Seminar)
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2007/12/12 |
On local torus actions modeled on the standard representation(東京幾何セミナー)
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2007/11/24 |
On the existence of symplectic structures compatible with local torus actions(第34回変換群論シンポジウム)
51. |
2007/09/22 |
Classification of locally toric lagrangian fibrations(日本数学会2007年度秋季総合分科会・トポロジー分科会)
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2007/07/26 |
On local torus actions modeled on the standard representation(Summer School on Symplectic Geometry and Toric Topology)
53. |
2007/05/30 |
On local torus actions modeled on the standard representation(研究集会“変換群の理論とその応用”)
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2007/03/29 |
On local torus actions modeled on the standard representation(日本数学会2007年度年会・トポロジー分科会)
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2006/11/24 |
Locally standard torus fibrations(第33回変換群論シンポジウム)
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2006/11/15 |
Acyclic polarizations and localization of Riemann-Roch numbers(New Horizons in Toric Topology)
57. |
2006/11/15 |
Locally standard torus fibrations(MSJ-IHES Joint Workshop on Noncommutativity)
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2006/05/30 |
Twisted toric structures(International Conference on Toric Topology)
59. |
2006/02/16 |
Twisted toric structures(第2回数学総合若手研究集会)
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2005/12/21 |
Twisted toric structures(トポロジーセミナー)
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2005/12/16 |
Twisted toric structures(トポロジー金曜セミナー)
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2003/12/20 |
Perfect Bott-Morse function on Polygon space(International Symposium on Recent Advances in Mathematics and its Applications)
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2003/07/22 |
64. |
2003/06/06 |
Symplectic geometry on the moduli space of flat connections on a punctured Riemann surface(研究集会“非可換微分幾何と数理物理”)
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2003/06 |
Symplectic geometry of the moduli space of flat connections on a punctured Riemann surface(臨時セミナー)
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2003/05 |
Symplectic geometry of the moduli space of parabolic vector bundles(幾何学と物理学セミナー)
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2003/03/26 |
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2003/02/21 |
A prequantum line bundle on the moduli space of flat connections on a punctured Riemann surface(The 10th Japan-Korea school of knots and links)
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2003/01 |
70. |
2002/12/15 |
On the geometric quantization of the moduli space of flat connections on a Riemann surface with marked points(International Symposium on Pure and Applied Mathematics)
71. |
2001/03/06 |
フラットバンドルのモジュライのあるコホモロジー交叉積について(研究集会 “Symplectic topology”)
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2000/09/11 |
Notes on the bending flow on the moduli space of spatial polygons(研究集会 “リーマン面に関連する位相幾何学”)
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2000/01/09 |
Perfect Bott-Morse Functions on Polygon Spaces(研究集会 “Art of low dimensional topology Ⅵ”)
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1999/09/27 |
リーマン面上のフラットバンドルのモジュライのある交叉数の母関数とDuistermaat-Heckman の定理(日本数学会1999年度秋期総合分科会・トポロジー分科会)