    (Last updated : 2025-01-10 14:27:21)
  ITO Takayasu
   Department   Undergraduate School  , School of Commerce
   Position   Professor
■ Books and Papers
1. 2005/03 Book Interest Rates and Monetary Policy in Japan  pp.1-203 (Single) 
2. 2023/07 Article Yield Curve of Treasury Bills in Japan under Different Regimes of non-Traditional Monetary Policy Journal of Corporate Accounting and Finance 34(3),pp.337-342 (Single) 
3. 2023/01 Article Impact of Negative Interest Rate Policy on the Swap Market in Japan: Comparative Analysis before and after Yield Curve Control Journal of Corporate Accounting and Finance 34(1),pp.173-178 (Single) 
4. 2021/01 Article The Determinants of Residential Property Prices in Japan: Analyses of Different Monetary Policy Regimes Journal of Corporate Accounting and Finance 32(1),pp.90-95 (Single) 
5. 2019/10 Article Transmission of Monetary Policy Expectations on the Money Markets: Comparative Analysis of Non-traditional Monetary Policy Regimes in Japan Journal of Corporate Accounting and Finance 30(4),pp.48-53 (Single) 
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■ Conference Presentations
1. 2024/10 Japanese Government Bonds and Swap Markets in the Super Long Term under Different Regimes of Yield Curve Control
2. 2024/07 The Impact of Yield Curve Control under Different Regimes: Analyses of Japanese Interest Rates in Super Long Term (SIBR 2024 Osaka Conference on Interdisciplinary Business and Economics Research)
3. 2020/06 Determinants of Residential Property Prices in Japan: An Analysis of Different Monetary Policy Regimes (SIBR 2020 Seoul Conference on Interdisciplinary Business and Economics Research)
4. 2020/06 Formation of Residential Property Price in Japan: Comparison of Different Monetary Policy Regimes (SIBR 2020 Seoul Conference on Interdisciplinary Business and Economics Research)
5. 2019/10 Impact of Monetary Policy Expectations on the Short-term Interest Rates: Comparative Analysis of Non-traditional Monetary Policy Regimes in Japan (生活経済学会2019年度九州部会)
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■ Academic Qualifications
1. 2006/03/23
Degree Acquisition
Niigata University,
2. 2000/04~2002/07 〔Doctorial Course〕, Graduate School, Division of Business Administration and Economic Policy, University of Tsukuba, Completed, Ph.D(Business Administration)
3. 1997/04~1999/03 〔Master Course〕, Graduate School, Division of Business Administration and Economic Policy, University of Tsukuba, Completed,
4. 1979/04~1984/03 Meiji University, Graduated,
■ Career History
1. 2014/04~ Professor
2. 2003/04~2004/03 Professor
■ Academic Associations Membership
1. Eurasia Business and Economics Society (Turkey)
■ Research Topics, Consignment Studies & KAKENHI Researches
1. 2007/04~2010/03  The Research on the Market Mechanism of Mid and Long Term Interest Rates in Japan  (Key Word : )
■ Web Sites
■ Award History
1. 2014/10 Best Paper Award 'The 3rd Global Business and Finance Research Conference, Taiwan' (「Analysis of Sovereign CDS and Government Bond Markets in the Euro Zone Crisis」)
2. 2011/11 Best Paper Award 'International Islamic Banking, Finance and Investment Conference,Malaysia' (「The Co-movement and Transmission between Islamic Rates of Return and Conventional Interest Rate」)
■ Current Specialized Field
Money and finance 
■ KAKENHI Researcher Number