(Last updated : 2024-05-23 22:18:19)
   Department   Undergraduate School  , School of Commerce
   Position   Associate Professor
■ Books and Papers
1. 2024/05 Article Changes in impressions of Japanese language education and intercultural competence through the development of a Japanese language textbook Japanese Language Education in Europe 27 pp.434-446 (Single) 
2. 2023/05 Article Online Nihongo Cafe: A Third Place for Using Japanese JAPANESE LANGUAGE EDUCATION IN EUROPE (26),pp.243-255 (Single) 
■ Conference Presentations
1. 2023/08/20 Development of the Textbook for Intermediate Japanese Language Learner on the Theme of SDGs ‐Increasing the number of people who understand Japanese language education- (The 17th International Conference of the European Association for Japanese Studies (EAJS))
2. 2022/08/26 "Online Nihongo Cafe" as a "Third Place" for Using the Japanese Language (The 25th Japanese Language Education Symposium in Europe (AJE))
3. 2020/11/08 (3rd Annual Conference on Japanese Language Education in South Asia)
4. 2019/11/05 (2nd International Conference on Japanese Language Education in South Asia)
5. 2018/08/04 A Study of Continued Interactions between International Students and Japanese Supporters in Short-term Japanese Language Programs (Venezia ICJLE 2018)
■ Academic Qualifications
1. 〔Doctorial Course〕, Graduate School, Division of Humanities, Gakushuin University, Accomplished credits for doctoral program,
2. 〔Master Course〕, Graduate School, Division of Humanities, Gakushuin University, Completed,
■ Career History
1. 2024/03~ SOAS University of London Japan Research Centre Visiting Scholar Link
2. 2016/04~ Meiji University School of Commerce Associate Professor
3. 2010/04~2016/03 Assistant professor
4. 2005/04~2010/03 Meiji University
5. 1997/08~1999/08 Cairo University
■ Internal Committee Positions
1. 2020/04/01~2022/03/31 Deputy Director, International Educational Center
■ Teaching Activities
● Textbook and Other Teaching Materials of your own
1. 2013~ This is Japanese! [Intermediate] From Self-Introduction to Debating Current Affairs Link
■ Current Specialized Field
Linguistics, Japanese linguistics, Japanese language education 
■ Courses and Lectures taught or delivered in the past
1. Survival Japanese(Meiji University School of Political Science and Economics Short-term Program)