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2018/11/08 |
データ駆動型モデルを活用した分子設計・材料設計・プロセス設計・プロセス管理(新化学技術推進協会(JACI) 高分子シミュレーション技術セミナー)
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2018/03/10 |
Measure of Regression Model Accuracy for Quantitative Structure-Activity(Property) Relationship Considering Applicability Domains(International Congress on Pure & Applied Chemistry (ICPAC))
3. |
2017/11/23 |
化学産業におけるデータ活用(INCHEM TOKYO 2017産学官マッチングフォーラム)
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2017/10/20 |
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2017/10/15 |
Process Design and Process Control Based on Statistical Analysis and Machine Learning Using Big Data(The 8th China-Japan Symposium on Chemical Engineering)
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2017/06/09 |
Molecular, Material, Product and Process Design, and Process Control Based on Statistics and Informatics(ISPAC2017)
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2016/11/17 |
Visualization of chemical space and protein space considering compound-protein interaction
8. |
2016/10/23 |
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2016/09/30 |
Generative Topographic Mapping Visualization Performance Allied to Root Mean Square Error of Midpoints among Nearest Neighbors
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2016/09/30 |
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2016/09/30 |
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2016/09/30 |
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2016/09/07 |
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2016/09/06 |
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2016/07/27 |
Improvement of Process State Recognition Performance by Noise Reduction.(PSE ASIA 2016)
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2016/07/26 |
Generative Topographic Mapping Similarity Index Applied for Fault Detection in Chemical Plants.(PSE ASIA 2016)
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2016/07/25 |
Development of a New Process Control Method for MIMO Process Based on Soft Sensors and Inverse Analysis.(PSE ASIA 2016)
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2016/07/22 |
Process Analytical Technologyとしてのソフトセンサーによる、リアルタイムプロセス管理技術(第17回ヤングプロフェッショナルのためのセミナー)
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2016/06/23 |
リアルタイムなプロセス監視および制御のためのProcess Analytical Technologyとしてのソフトセンサー(独立行政法人 医薬品医療機器総合機構での講演)
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2016/06/06 |
Practical Use of Savitzky-Golay Filtering-Based Ensemble Online SVR.(DYCOPS-CAB2016)
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2016/05/10 |
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2016/03/17 |
Generative Topographic Mapping Similarity Assessment for Anomaly Detection in Chemical Plants.(The 6th French-Japanese Workshop on Computational Methods in Chemistry)
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2016/03/17 |
Partial Derivative of Data Density Estimation Model for Structure Generation and Fault Diagnosis.(The 6th French-Japanese Workshop on Computational Methods in Chemistry)
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2016/03/16 |
Molecular Structure Generation Algorithm for Inverse QSPR/QSAR.(The 6th French-Japanese Workshop on Computational Methods in Chemistry.)
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2016/03/13 |
適応型ソフトセンサーにおけるハイパーパラメータ設計の高速化(化学工学会 第81年会)
26. |
2015/12/18 |
Strategy of Structure Generation within Applicability Domains.(PACIFICHEM 2015)
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2015/12/04 |
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2015/12/01 |
Iterative Optimization Technologyとスペクトルの低次元化・波長選択とを組み合わせたPAT手法の開発(日本PDA製薬学会第22回年会)
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2015/12/01 |
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2015/11/09 |
Ensemble Locally-weighted Partial Least Squares Model and Its Application to Industrial Plants.(2015 AIChE Annual Meeting)
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2015/10/09 |
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2015/10/08 |
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2015/10/08 |
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2015/10/08 |
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2015/10/08 |
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2015/10/08 |
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2015/09/28 |
Noise Reduction of Operating Date Using Savizky-Golay Filters for Soft Sensors.(The 16th Asia Pacific Confederation of Chemical Engineering Congress.)
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2015/09/10 |
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2015/07/10 |
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2015/06/02 |
Selection of Comprehensive Data from a Large Amount of Data using a Genetic Algorithm.(PSE2015/ESCAPE25)
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2015/03/28 |
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2015/03/21 |
Generative topographic mapping and graph theory combined approach for non-linear fault identification and diagnosis
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2015/03/21 |
化学プラントにおける制御性能向上のための推定制御手法に関する研究(化学工学会 第80年会)
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2015/03/20 |
数理モデルを活用したMBRにおける運転条件の最適化の検討(化学工学会 第80年会)
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2015/03/09 |
膜ファウリングの長期予測モデルの構築およびMBRの管理への応用(CREST「持続可能な水利用を実現する革新的な技術とシステム」研究領域シンポジウム 「新たな水処理システムを目指した技術開発:バイオフィルムと膜ファウリングへの挑戦」)
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2015/01/31 |
Application of Ensemble Online Support Vector Regression to the Prediction of Fouling in Membrane Bioreactors.(3W Expo 2015 + CPPE Expo 2015)
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2015/01/31 |
The development of widely applied long-term transmembrane pressure prediction model for membrane bioreactors.(3W Expo 2015 + CPPE Expo 2015)
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2014/11/28 |
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2014/11/19 |
Improvement of Iterative Optimization Technology (Calibration-Free/ Minimum Approach) with Dimensionality Reduction of Spectra.(2014 AIChE Annual Meeting)
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2014/11/17 |
Process Control Method Based on the Inverse Analysis of Soft Sensors Considering Controllability.(2014 AIChE Annual Meeting)
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2014/11/11 |
GTL プラント運転データの測定間隔と適応型ソフトセンサーの予測精度(第57回自動制御連合講演会,)
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2014/11/11 |
53. |
2014/09/29 |
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2014/09/18 |
Moving windowモデルおよびアンサンブル学習を活用した適応型ソフトセンサー手法(化学工学会第46回秋季大会)
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2014/09/18 |
Non-linear data visualization and networks combined approach for monitoring of process data(化学工学会第46回秋季大会)
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2014/09/17 |
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2014/09/11 |
Fast Optimization of Hyperparameters of Support Vector Regression Model Considering its Predictive Ability.(4th International Conference on Engineering Optimization(EngOpt2014))
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2014/09/10 |
Development of an adaptive experimental design method based on probabilities to achieve requirements and quantity of information on next experiments.(EngOpt2014)
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2014/06/30 |
Efficient molecular structure enumeration algorithm for inverse-QSPR/QSAR.(The 5th French-Japanese Workshop on Computational Methods in Chemistry)
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2014/06/30 |
Semi-supervised learning state discrimination and regression modeling for dynamic data.(The 5th French-Japanese Workshop on Computational Methods in Chemistry)
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2014/06/05 |
Virtual Sensors Predicting Drug Product Quality with Chemoinformatic Techniques.(JCUP V)
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2014/06/04 |
Automatic Database Monitoring for Process Control Systems.(The 27th International Conference on Industrial, Engineering and Other Applications of Applied Intelligent Systems (IEA-AIE2014).)
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2014/06 |
Adaptive regression model for nonlinear and time-varying systems.(The 5th French-Japanese Workshop on Computational Methods in Chemistry.)
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2014/05/22 |
プラントの運転データを最大限に活用するためのソフトセンサーおよびプロセス管理手法(プラントオペレーション分科会 第131回研究会)
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2014/05 |
Analysis of a Transmembrane Pressure (TMP) Jump Prediction Model for Preventing TMP Jumps.(DESALINATION, FOR THE ENVIRONMENT)
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2014/03 |
GTM, GMM and SSPCR combined approach applied for semi-supervised state recognition
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2014/03 |
Membrane bioreactorにおける水質を考慮した更新型長期膜差圧予測手法の開発(化学工学会 第79年会)
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2014/03 |
ソフトセンサーと逆解析を利用した新規プロセス制御手法の開発(化学工学会 第79年会)
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2014/03 |
ソフトセンサーにおけるデータベース管理のための自動的パラメータ選択(化学工学会 第79年会)
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2014/02 |
Prediction models of transmembrane pressure (TMP) and timing of TMP jumps for efficient fouling control in distributed MBR systems.(MBR for the Next Generation and Waste-to-Energy Conversion.)
71. |
2013/11 |
2次元Quantitative Structure-Retention Relationshipモデルの構築と逆解析を利用した構造推定(第36回情報化学討論会)
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2013/11 |
Adaptive Soft Sensor Model Using Online Support Vector Regression and the Time Variable.(2013 AIChE Annual Meeting)
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2013/11 |
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2013/11 |
GTM Semi-supervised Approach for State Recognition in Dynamic Data.(2013 AIChE Annual Meeting)
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2013/11 |
Membrane bioreactor における長期的ファウリング予測モデルの開発(第36回情報化学討論会)
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2013/11 |
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2013/11 |
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2013/11 |
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2013/11 |
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2013/10 |
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2013/09 |
Adaptive Soft Sensor Model Using Online Support Vector Regression with the Time Variable and Discussion on Appropriate Parameter Settings.(17th International Conference in Knowledge Based and Intelligent Information and Engineering Systems - KES2013)
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2013/09 |
Membrane bioreactorにおける更新型長期膜差圧予測モデルの開発(化学工学会第45回秋季大会)
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2013/09 |
Model for Predicting Transmembrane Pressure Jump for Various Membrane Bioreactors.(Engineering with Membranes Towards a Sustainable Future - EWM2013)
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2013/09 |
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2013/09 |
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2013/09 |
87. |
2013/08 |
High Predictive Soft Sensors Based on Time Difference (TD) Models and the Selection of Optimal TD Intervals.(9th World Congress of Chemical Engineering)
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2013/06 |
Physical and Statistical Model of Transmembrane Pressure Jump and Visualization of the Model.(The 6th International Conference on Process Systems Engineering (PSE ASIA).)
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2013/05 |
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2013/05 |
91. |
2013/03/24 |
Virtual sensors with chemoinformatic techniques(Asian International Symposium-Theoretical Chemistry,Chemoinformatics, Computational Chemistry-in the 93th CSJ Annual Meeting.)
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2013/03 |
Online support vector regressionを応用したソフトセンサーモデルの劣化低減手法の開発(第13回計測自動制御学会制御部門大会)
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2013/03 |
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2013/03 |
データ密度を考慮したソフトセンサーモデルの予測誤差の推定(化学工学会 第78年会)
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2013/03 |
実験回数の軽減を目的とした材料設計手法の開発および多次元空間における新規候補探索(化学工学会 第78年会)
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2013/03 |
目的変数の測定回数削減およびソフトセンサーモデルの劣化低減への試み(化学工学会 第78年会)
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2012/11/30 |
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2012/11 |
Discussion on Time Difference Models for Application of Soft Sensors.(19th Regional Symposium on Chemical Engineering (RSCE2012).)
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2012/10/16 |
モデルの信頼性および適用範囲を考慮したケモメトリックス解析(2012年度 CACフォーラム一泊研修会)
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2012/10 |
One-class support vector machineを用いたソフトセンサーモデルの予測誤差の推定,(日本コンピュータ化学会2012年秋季年会)
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2012/10 |
Soft Sensor Models Based On a Process Variable and Dynamics Selection Method and Support Vector Regression.(AIChE 2012 Annual Meeting)
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2012/10 |
Strategic Search for Experimental Conditions for Efficient Product Design.(AIChE 2012 Annual Meeting)
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2012/10 |
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2012/10 |
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2012/10 |
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2012/10 |
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2012/10 |
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2012/09 |
Prediction Model of Transmembrane Pressure Jump for Membrane Bioreactor Using Physical and Statistical Approaches.(Euromembrane 2012)
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2012/09 |
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2012/09 |
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2012/09 |
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2012/09 |
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2012/07 |
Estimation of Predictive Accuracy of Soft Sensor Models Based on One-Class Support Vector Machine(The 11th International Symposium on Process Systems Engineering.)
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2012/05 |
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2012/04/03 |
A Statistical Approach to Prediction of Transmembrane Pressure in Membrane Bioreactors.(AIChE 2012 Spring Meeting)
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2012/03/06 |
Soft Sensors Supporting Efficient Plant Operations with Chemoinformatic Techniques(The 4th French-Japanese Workshop on Computational Methods in Chemistry)
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2012/03/02 |
産業プロセスにおけるケモメトリックス技術としてのソフトセンサー(2011年度 第2回CACフォーラムセミナー)
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2012/03 |
Strategic Parameter Search Method for Efficient Experimental Design.(The 4th French-Japan Workshop on Computational Methods in Chemistry 2012)
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2012/03 |
Support vector regressionを応用した変数領域選択手法の開発(第12回計測自動制御学会制御部門大会)
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2012/03 |
ケモインフォマティックス手法を用いた膜分離活性汚泥法における膜差圧予測モデルの構築(化学工学会 第77年会)
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2012/03 |
プラントの運転状況を考慮した実用的ソフトセンサーメンテナンス法の開発(化学工学会 第77年会)
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2012/03 |
分散型膜分離活性汚泥法のための長期膜差圧予測モデルの構築(化学工学会 第77年会)
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2012/03 |
効率的な実験計画のための戦略的なパラメータ探索手法の開発(化学工学会 第77年会)
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2012/02/22 |
Development of New Soft Sensor Methods for Selecting Process Variables with Consideration of Process Dynamics(The 13th Asia Pacific Confederation of Chemical Engineering Congress)