    (Last updated : 2025-02-07 20:16:42)
   Department   Undergraduate School  , School of Business Administration
   Position   Associate Professor
■ Books and Papers
1. 2025/12 Article Diversification and business competitiveness of Westinghouse Electric Corporation in the postwar: Strategic plot from the 1950s to the 1960s Japanese Research in Business History 42 (Single) 
2. 2025/09 Article The Source of the 'Dynamics' of Dynamic Capabilities in the U.S. PC Industry Ecosystem, 1970s-1990s Strategic Management and Innovation Strategies: From the Perspective of Revisiting Dynamic Capabilities  (Collaboration) 
3. 2025/07 Article Emergent Dynamics of Cultural Innovation: Globalizing Pikachu through Japanese and American System, 1990-1999, Journal of Evolutionary Studies in Business 10(2) (Collaboration) 
4. 2025/02 Article Organizational identity and the hierarchical dynamics of the firm’s domain: A case of Westinghouse Electric, 1886-2000 Meiji Business Review 72(2),pp.251-271 (Single) 
5. 2023/08 Article Westinghouse Electric Corporation: The path to the demise The Formation and Disintegration of General Electrical Enterprises pp.211-247 (Single)  Link
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■ Conference Presentations
1. 2025/05/25 The disintegration of American general electrical enterprises (The 121st RIAM Workshop)
2. 2025/04/19 Historicity of Corporate Strategy (The Panel Symposium "The Nexus of Strategy and Business History") (The 23rd Annual Research Presentation Conference of Japan Academy of Strategic Management)
3. 2024/10/27 Developing the Manager in General Electric: Focusing on Baughman's Reform and Crotonville Management Development Institute (Panel Session: International Comparison of Manager and Executive Education: Human Capital Formation in GE, Hitachi and Siemens) (The 60th Congress of the Business History Society of Japan) Link
4. 2024/07/13 Taming the creativity of piracy and fandom in Japanese cultural industries: The development of Comic Market and corporate sponsoring, 1975-2015 (The 27th Annual Congress of EBHA) Link
5. 2024/07/13 The role of product manager as an entrepreneur in envisioning the future of computing: Jef Raskin and Steve Jobs in the development of the Macintosh, 1979-1985 (The 27th Annual Congress of EBHA) Link
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■ Academic Qualifications
1. 2016/02~2016/03 〔Doctorial Course (2nd Semester)〕 Business Administration, Graduate School of Business Administration, Meiji University, Completed, Ph.D. in Business Administration
2. 2009/04~2014/03 〔Doctorial Course (2nd Semester)〕 Business Administration, Graduate School of Business Administration, Meiji University, Accomplished credits for doctoral program,
3. 2007/04~2009/03 〔Doctorial Course (1st Semester)〕 Business Administration, Graduate School of Business Administration, Meiji University, Completed, Master of Business Administration
4. 2002/04~2007/03 Department of Business Management, School of Business Administration, Meiji University, Graduated, Bachelor of Business Administration
■ Career History
1. 2021/04~ Meiji University School of Business Administration Associate Professor
2. 2020/04~2021/03 Meiji University School of Business Administration Senior Assistant Professor
3. 2016/04~2020/03 Meiji University School of Business Administration Assistant Professor
4. 2014/04~2016/03 Meiji University Graduate School of Business Administration Assistant Lecturer
5. 2012/04~2014/03 Meiji University School of Business Administration Research Associate
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■ Teaching Activities
● Efforts to Improve Educational Contents and Method (Including Teaching Evaluation)
1. 2022/04~ Desigin and Practice for combining the online and face-to-face learning in Comparative Management (America) A and B
2. 2020/05/13~2022/03 Desigin and Practice for interactive online teaching in Business History A and B
3. 2020/05/07~2021/03 Desigin for interactive online teaching in Introductory Business Management A and B
4. 2018/09~2020/03 Practice for active learning in Reading in Foreign Language B
5. 2016/04~2020/03 Practice for interactive teaching in Introductory Business Management A and B
● Textbook and Other Teaching Materials of your own
● Special Instructions for Practical Training/ Lecture and others (if you have business background)
● Other Special Instructions related to Educational Experiences
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■ Major Subjects
Business History, Comparative Management (America) Link
■ Academic Associations Membership
1. 2007/09~ Business History Society of Japan Link
2. 2019/01~ ∟ Fuji Conference and international exchange committee member
3. 2024/01~ ∟ Public Relation Committee
4. 2021/01~2024/12 ∟ Secretary
5. 2023/01~2024/12 ∟ Conference Committee
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■ Professional Achievements
● Other note that should be mentioned specially on duty
1. 2024/04/01~ Center Member, Meiji University Center for Collaborative Innovation and Incubation Link
2. 2023/10/25~ Making Innovation Committee Member, Meiji University Center for Collaborative Innovation and Incubation Link
3. 2022/06/01~ Meiji Annual Business Challenge (MSBA student startup competition) task force member Link
4. 2022/04/01~ The committee memeber for Certified Evaluation and Accreditation Link
■ researchmap Researcher Code
■ Social Activities
1. 2025/02 History × Business = New Perspectives: The Fascination of Business History Research
2. 2024/12 QWS Scramble Meeting Link
3. 2024/12 Ask the experts! The very first step in student entrepreneurship Link
4. 2024/07 Supporting the students' aspirations: Meiji University's efforts in entrepreneurial education and its vision. Link
5. 2024/04 The Meiji 2nd Annual Business Challenge: Interviewing Associate Professor Kenichi Miyata and Grand Prize Winner Taisei Hasumi Link
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■ Research Topics, Consignment Studies & KAKENHI Researches
1. 2023/04~2026/03  Construction of Industries and Organizational Capabilities on Big Electrical Enterprises: Framing toward Global Business History  (Key Word : ) Link
2. 2022/04~2026/03  A Business History of Media Mix on the Co-Creative Activities of the Firms: Historical Analysis of Coevolving Japanese Creative Industries  (Key Word : content industries, innovation, service-dominant logic, interfirm network, resources) Link
3. 2022/04~2023/07  Global Economic History of Industry Dynamics: Heterogeneity and Boundaries of Industries  (Key Word : ) Link
4. 2019/04~2024/03  Electrical Enterprises on Global Business History: Strategy and Structure, Human Capital, Organizational Capabilities  (Key Word : ) Link
5. 2018/04~2022/03  A Business History of Mediamix on Corporate Diversification: A Comparative Study of Firms in Japanese Creative Industries  (Key Word : content industries, media franchise, coevolution of industries, interfirm network, cultural consumption, intellectual property) Link
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■ Committees and Associations
1. 2023/04/01~ Okamoto Foundation Scholarship Committee member Link
2. 2022/09/02~ Editorial board of "Management History: Global Perspectives (IAP book series)" Editorial board member Link
■ Web Sites
   Personal Website
   Center for Global Comparative Business History (CGC-BizHist) at Meiji University
■ Email Addresses
■ Award History
1. 2022/09 Business History Society of Japan BHSJ-SBS Best Paper Award (Diversification and business competitiveness of Westinghouse Electric Corporation in the postwar: Strategic plot from the 1950s to the 1960s) Link
■ Current Specialized Field
Business History, Business Management, Economic History (Key Word:diversification, neomodern, institution, innovation, entrepreneurship, business system, global history, creative industries, conglomerate, strategy and structure, belief, capitalism, economic growth, knowledge, organizational capabilities, manager, entrepreneurial perception) 
■ KAKENHI Researcher Number
■ Courses and Lectures taught or delivered in the past
1. Business History(Meiji University, Seijo University, University of Tokyo) Link
2. Business History(Meiji University Graduate School) Link
3. Comparative Management (America)(Meiji University) Link
4. Seminar I, II, III(Meiji University) Link
5. Business History Seminar I and II(Meiji University Graduate School) Link
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■ Research theme for prospective joint research
1. American business history, economic history of the United States
2. Corporate strategy, growth strategy
3. International comparison of business history