(最終更新日:2022-06-15 10:44:56)
  モロイ ユウイチ   MOROI YUICHI
  師井 勇一
   所属   明治大学  国際日本学部
   職種   客員講師
■ 著書・論文
1. 2022/06 著書  『戦争抵抗の倫理――大戦期アメリカの良心的戦争拒否者たち』   (単著)  Link
2. 2021/05 著書  『平和創造学への道案内――歴史と現場から未来を拓く』   (共著)  Link
3. 2021/02 論文  「『あまり期待しない』『それほど変わらない』の底にあるもの――アメリカのアジア安全保障政策と市民社会」 『原水協通信』  (単著) 
4. 2021/01 論文  “The Flag and the Anthem in Japan” Peace Review: A Journal of Social Justice 32(2),pp.212-218 (単著) 
5. 2020/08 著書  The Atomic Bomb on My Back: A Life Story of Survival and Activism by Taniguchi, Sumiteru  pp.104-119 (単著) 
■ 学会発表
1. 2020/02/27 “Civil Disobedience, East and West: Okinawan Farmers’ Protest against US Bases and the Civil Rights Movement in the US”(The Annual Conference of the Eastern Sociological Society)
2. 2018/09/29 "Nonviolent Struggles against US Military Bases in Okinawa"(Annual Conference of the Peace and Justice Studies Association)
3. 2018/07/16 "Civil Disobedience and Civic Responsibility: Vietnam War Resisters in Their Statement"(XIX ISA World Congress of Sociology)
4. 2017/10/28 "Vietnam War Draft Resistance: Civil Disobedience and Civic Responsibility"(Annual Conference of the Peace and Justice Studies Association)
5. 2017/02/23 "'Here I Sit; I Can Do No Other': A Comparative Study of the National Anthem Protest in Japan and the US"(The Eastern Sociological Society, the 87th Annual Meeting)
■ 学歴
1. Boston University The Graduate School of Arts and Sciences Sociology 博士課程修了 Ph.D.
2. Earlham College Sociology and Anthropology 卒業 B.A.
■ 所属学会
1. 2016/08~ Peace and Justice Studies Association
2. 2016/04~ International Sociological Association
3. 2007/12~ American Sociological Association
■ 委員会・協会等
1. 2013~ Working Group for Peace and Demilitarization in Asia and the Pacific (member)
2. 2000 The Boston Okinawa Network (member)
3. 2000~2008 The Peace and Economic Security Program, the New England Regional Office, the American Friends Service Committee (member) Link
■ 担当経験のある科目・講演等
1. Development and Globalization(Temple University)
2. Dissent in America(Temple University)
3. Ethnicity and the Immigrant Experience in the US(Temple University)
4. Gender in America(Temple University)
5. Global Sociology(国際基督教大学)