(Last updated : 2024-05-21 16:54:53)
  Yamashita Hiroshi
   Department   Undergraduate School  , School of Commerce
   Position   Professor
■ Books and Papers
1. 2005/10 Book Management Models Based on Information Sharing and Knowledge Sharing no.   (Single) 
2. 2000/03 Book Analysis Models of Rating Tendencies for Personnel Information Management  pp.1-202 (Single) 
3. 2016/10 Book Human Resource Management and Japanese Organization  pp.1-169 (Single) 
4. 2017/02 Book Corporate Sustainability Strategy and Business Quality   (Collaboration) 
5. 2014/10 Book Networking Strategy for Information Management  pp.1-210 (Collaboration) 
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■ Conference Presentations
1. 2024/05/18 Study on the Centrality of Eigenvectors in Communication Networks
2. 2024/05/18 The Model for Promoting Digital Transformation by Middle Managers : Information Management Approach in Human Resource Development
3. 2023/11/18 A Research on a Management Model of Growth Strategy Employing Skilled Workers
4. 2023/11/18 A Study on Effects of 3R Activities in Resource Circulation
5. 2023/11/18 A Study on Governance by an Investing Company to Invested Companies
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■ Academic Qualifications
1. 1983/04~1989/03 〔Doctorial Course〕, Waseda University, Accomplished credits for doctoral program
2. 1992/02/06
Degree Acquisition
Waseda University, PhD(Engineering)
3. Graduate School, Division of Commerce, Meiji University,
4. 1980/04~1982/03 〔Master Course〕, Graduate School, Division of Science and Engineering, Waseda Univ., Completed,
■ Teaching Activities
● Textbook and Other Teaching Materials of your own
1. 2017/03/31 Series of Global Human Resource Development Vol.1 : First Step towards Studying Basics of Business in English and Japanese (The Meiji University School of Commerce, ed.) Chapter 5 : Information Management and Production Management System
■ Major Subjects
Information Management A/B
■ Academic Associations Membership
1. Association for the Study of Industrial Management(Japan)
2. 2014~ Japan Association for Communication, Information and Society
■ Research Topics, Consignment Studies & KAKENHI Researches
1. 2007~2011  A Syudy on Management Quality Science  (Key Word : "経営倫理,高クォリティ行動,情報倫理")
2. 2001~2006  Study on Global e-SCM  (Key Word : Synchronization,Thory of Constraints,B to B&C)
3. 2004~2004  A Study on Management Models for Members' Activation Based on the Concept of Information Sharing and Knowledge Sharing in Organization  (Key Word : information sharing,knoeledge sharing,management model)
4.   Study on Merit Rating System  (Key Word : Merit Rating,Rating Model,Rating Tendency)
5.   Study on Behavioral Entropy  (Key Word : Behavioral Science,Fuzzy Entropy,Membership Function)
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■ Email Addresses
■ Current Specialized Field
Commerce, Intelligent informatics, Library and information science, humanistic and social informatics, Business administration, Business administration, Business administration, Business administration, Business administration, Commerce 
■ Courses and Lectures taught or delivered in the past
1. Information ManagementA/B
2. Production Management