Specialization Areas :  Cultural anthropology and folklore
Name Department / Course Specialization Areas
Goto Mitsumasa , School of Political Science and Economics Physical education, and physical and health education, Japanese history, Cultural anthropology and folklore, Education
Hateruma Nagako , School of Information and Communication Aesthetics and studies on art, Developmental mechanisms andthe body works, Cultural anthropology
ISHII Tomoaki , School of Commerce Cultural anthropology and folklore, International relations
IZEKI Mutsumi , School of Commerce Historical studies in general, Archaeology, Cultural anthropology and folklore
Ishikawa Masanobu , School of Political Science and Economics Sociology, Cultural anthropology and folklore, Social welfare
KAWANO Akimasa , School of Law Cultural anthropology and folklore
Kajiwara Teruko , School of Arts and Letters Japanese literature, European literature, Chinese literature, Cultural anthropology and folklore
Nishigaki Manabu , School of Law European literature, Cultural anthropology and folklore
Schermann, Susanne , School of Law Cultural anthropology and folklore, Cultural anthropology and folklore
Suga Keijiro , School of Science and Technology Chinese literature, European literature, European literature, Chinese literature, Chinese literature, Cultural anthropology and folklore
TANAKA Hideaki , Graduate School of Governance Studies Public economics and labor economics, Criminal law, Cultural anthropology and folklore, Economic doctrines and economic thought, Education
YAMAUCHI Kenji , School of Political Science and Economics Cultural anthropology and folklore, Cultural anthropology and folklore
Yagasaki Junko , School of Law Cultural anthropology and folklore
Associate Professor
Name Department / Course Specialization Areas
Hirukawa Tatsu , School of Information and Communication Cultural anthropology and folklore, Experimental psychology, Experimental psychology, Sociology of science, history of science and technology, Physical anthropology, Biophysics, Aesthetics and art studies
Majima Ayu , School of Global Japanese Studies History of thought, Japanese literature, Japanese history, Cultural anthropology and folklore, Family and consumer sciences, and culture and living, Social psychology, Area studies, Gender studies, Others
TAKEDA KAZUHISA , School of Political Science and Economics History of Europe and America, Cultural anthropology and folklore, Religious studies
Name Department / Course Specialization Areas
SAITO Nobuhiro , Meiji High School Archaeology, Cultural anthropology and folklore
Name Department / Course Specialization Areas
toyama toru , Staff Cultural anthropology and folklore, Others