(Last updated : 2024-07-12 12:47:05)
  Nakamura Takashi
   Department   Undergraduate School  , School of Agriculture
   Position   Professor
■ Books and Papers
1. 2023/08 Article The effect of high-temperature heat treatment and homogenization on the microstructure of set yogurt curd networks Journal of Dairy Research 90(3),pp.306-311 (Collaboration)  Link
2. 2023/04 Article Evident visualization of food texture
― Two-dimensional map of food texture with attention to changes due to the destruction of food structure ―  pp.11-14 (Single) 
3. 2019/10 Article Explaining the different textures of commercial processed cheese from fractured structures International Dairy Journal 97,pp.40-48 (Collaboration)  Link
4. 2018 Article Effects of emulsifying conditions on creaming effect, mechanical properties and microstructures of processed cheese using a rapid visco-analyzer Bioscience, Biotechnology, and Biochemistry  (Collaboration) 
5. 2018 Article Effects of pre-cooked cheeses of different emulsifying conditions on mechanical properties and microstructure of processed cheese Food Chemistry 245,pp.47-52 (Collaboration) 
Display all(19)
■ Academic Qualifications
1. ~1985 〔Doctorial Course〕, Graduate School, Division of Agriculture, Kyoto University,
2. ~1980 Faculty of Agriculture, Gifu University,
■ Major Subjects
Food Engineering
■ Research Topics, Consignment Studies & KAKENHI Researches
1.   Food Texture and Structure  (Key Word : "texture,structure,")
2. 2003/04~2006/03  Modification of Food Starch by Control of Protein Structuring on Starch-Granule Surface  (Key Word : )
3.   "Studies on co-gelation of polysaccharide, protein and/or lipid"  (Key Word : "Food,Texture,gelation")
4.   Studies on Gelation of Soybean Proteins  (Key Word : "Soybean,Protein,gelation")
5.   "Studies on enzymatic composite modification of starch, protein and lipid"  (Key Word : "Food Processing,Nano-Scale,Compound")
■ Web Sites
■ Email Addresses
■ Award History
1. 2012/06 2012 The First Silver Award of Academic Plaza at International Food Machinery & Technology Exhibition. Tokyo, Japan.
■ Current Specialized Field
Food sciences, Food sciences, Food sciences, Food sciences 
■ KAKENHI Researcher Number