(Last updated : 2024-09-19 14:21:42)
  YOSHIDA Takahiko
   Department   Undergraduate School  , School of Science and Technology
   Position   Senior Assistant Professor
■ Books and Papers
1. 2024/07 Article Adiabatic Limit, Theta Function, and Geometric Quantization Symmetry, Integrability and Geometry: Methods and Applications 20 (Single) 
2. 2023/04 Article RR-BS correspondence – a localization phenomenon of the index in Geometric quantization SUGAKU expositions 36,pp.35-66 (Single) 
3. 2018 Article Adiabatic limits, theta functions, and geometric quantization   (Single) 
4. 2016 Article Equivariant local index and symplectic cut RIMS Kôkyûroku 2016,pp.161-167 (Single) 
5. 2014 Article The equivariant local index of the reduced space in the symplectic cutting MIMS Technical Report 00044,pp.1-7 (Single) 
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■ Conference Presentations
1. 2020/01/25 An index theoretic approach to RR-BS (Workshop on Topics in the Geometry and Topology of moduli spaces)
2. 2020/01/25 Does the quantum Hilbert space depend on polarizations? (Workshop on Topics in the Geometry and Topology of moduli spaces)
3. 2019/12/09 Adiabatic limits, Theta functions, and Geometric quantization (2019 Canadian Mathematical Society Winter Meeting)
4. 2018/10/22 Adiabatic limits, theta functions, and geometric quantization (Symplectic Geometry Seminar)
5. 2017/07/20 Theory of local index and its applications (Workshop on loop spaces, supersymmetry and index theory)
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■ Academic Qualifications
1. 1997/04~2003/03 〔Doctorial Course〕, Graduate School, Division of Mathematical Sciences, The University of Tokyo, Completed, Ph.D (Mathematical Science)
2. 1993/04~1997/03 Mathematics, Faculty of Science, Tohoku University, Graduated,
■ Academic Associations Membership
1. 1999/10 Mathematical Society of Japan
■ Research Topics, Consignment Studies & KAKENHI Researches
1. 2012/04~2015/03  A theory of local indices for Dirac-type operators and the geometric quantization  (Key Word : )
2. 2010/04~2012/03  Localization phenomena on indices of Dirac-type operators and singular Lagrangian fibrations  (Key Word : )
3. 2008/04~2010/03  Local torus actions on Lagrangian fibrations  (Key Word : )
■ Current Specialized Field
Geometry (Key Word:symplectic geometry)