1. |
2020/01/25 |
An index theoretic approach to RR-BS (Workshop on Topics in the Geometry and Topology of moduli spaces)
2. |
2020/01/25 |
Does the quantum Hilbert space depend on polarizations? (Workshop on Topics in the Geometry and Topology of moduli spaces)
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2019/12/09 |
Adiabatic limits, Theta functions, and Geometric quantization (2019 Canadian Mathematical Society Winter Meeting)
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2018/10/22 |
Adiabatic limits, theta functions, and geometric quantization (Symplectic Geometry Seminar)
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2017/07/20 |
Theory of local index and its applications (Workshop on loop spaces, supersymmetry and index theory)
6. |
2014/08/10 |
Torus fibrations and localization of index (ICM 2014, Satellite Conference -Topology of Torus actions and applications to Geometry and Combinatorics)
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2014/07/01 |
Torus fibrations and localization of index (NCTS (South) Geometry Conference - Mathematical New Goals)
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2013/08/30 |
Equivariant local index and symplectic cut (The 5th International Conference on Geometry and Quantization)
9. |
2013/01/26 |
Torus fibrations and localization of index (UK-Japan Mathematical Forum)
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2011/11/29 |
Equivariant local index (Toric Topology 2011 in Osaka)
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2011/09/13 |
Equivariant local index (The 4th International Conference on Geometry and Quantization)
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2011/09/08 |
Equivariant local index (International Conference "Toric Topology and Automorphic Functions")
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2011/06/14 |
Equivariant local index (Geometry of Transformation groups and Combinatorics)
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2010/12/03 |
Equivariant local index and quantization conjecture (Toric Geometry, Toric topology, and Combinatorics)
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2010/08/19 |
Torus fibrations and localization of index (The International Conference "Geometry, Topology, Algebra and Number Theory, Applications")
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2010/08/07 |
Torus fibrations and localization of index
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2010/05/03 |
Torus fibrations and localization of index (Workshop on Toric Topology and Related Topics)
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2010/04/20 |
Torus fibrations and localization of index
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2010/02/22 |
RR=#BS via localization of index (KAIST Toric Topology Workshop 2010)
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2009/12/10 |
Torus fibrations and localization of index
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2009/10/20 |
Torus fibrations and localization of index
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2009/09/17 |
Torus fibrations and localization of index (Geometry for Quantization 2009)
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2009/09/08 |
Torus fibrations and localization of index (Third International Conference on Geometry and Quantization)
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2009/06/10 |
Acyclic polarizations and localization of Riemann-Roch numbers
25. |
2009/02/25 |
Acyclic polarizations and localization of Riemann-Roch numbers
26. |
2009/01/19 |
Acyclic polarizations and localization of Riemann-Roch numbers
27. |
2008/12/31 |
Acyclic polarizations and localization of Riemann-Roch numbers (Geometry Seminar)
28. |
2008/12/27 |
Acyclic polarizations and localization of Riemann-Roch numbers (Fujisan one-day workshop in Geometry and Topology)
29. |
2008/12/11 |
Acyclic polarizations and localization of Riemann-Roch numbers (Ikuta International workshop on Symplectic Geometry)
30. |
2008/12/10 |
Acyclic polarizations and localization of Riemann-Roch numbers
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2008/09/25 |
Acyclic polarizations and localization of Riemann-Roch numbers
32. |
2008/07/07 |
Acyclic polarizations and localization of Riemann-Roch numbers, (New Horizons in Toric Topology)
33. |
2008/02/12 |
On local torus actions modeled on the standard representation
34. |
2008/01/23 |
On counting lattice points and Riemann-Roch numbers in Lagrangian fibrations (Symplectic Geometry Seminar)
35. |
2007/12/12 |
On local torus actions modeled on the standard representation
36. |
2007/11/24 |
On the existence of symplectic structures compatible with local torus actions
37. |
2007/09/22 |
Classification of locally toric lagrangian fibrations
38. |
2007/07/26 |
On local torus actions modeled on the standard representation (Summer School on Symplectic Geometry and Toric Topology)
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2007/05/30 |
On local torus actions modeled on the standard representation
40. |
2007/03/29 |
On local torus actions modeled on the standard representation
41. |
2006/11/24 |
Locally standard torus fibrations
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2006/11/15 |
Acyclic polarizations and localization of Riemann-Roch numbers (New Horizons in Toric Topology)
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2006/11/15 |
Locally standard torus fibrations (MSJ-IHES Joint Workshop on Noncommutativity)
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2006/05/30 |
Twisted toric structures (International Conference on Toric Topology)
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2006/02/16 |
Twisted toric structures
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2003/12/20 |
Perfect Bott-Morse function on Polygon space (International Symposium on Recent Advances in Mathematics and its Applications)
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2003/02/21 |
A prequantum line bundle on the moduli space of flat connections on a punctured Riemann surface (The 10th Japan-Korea school of knots and links)
48. |
2002/12/15 |
On the geometric quantization of the moduli space of flat connections on a Riemann surface with marked points (International Symposium on Pure and Applied Mathematics)
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