    (Last updated : 2025-01-20 14:04:28)
   Department   Undergraduate School  , School of Agriculture
   Position   Professor
■ Books and Papers
1. 2024/12 Article Calls on Prime Minister Ishiba to implement direct income compensation contemporary agriculture pp.263-265 (Single)  Link
2. 2024/09 Article Methodology for Policy Research: The Significance and Guidelines of Positivism-based Case Studies Journal of Rural Economics 96(2),pp.167-180 (Single)  Link
3. 2024/07 Article Evaluation of the revised Basic Act on Food, Agriculture and Rural Areas: From the Testimony before the House of Councillors Committee on Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries Connecting Rural and Urban Areas pp.9-17 (Single)  Link
4. 2024/05 Article Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries (MAFF) Handbook of Japanese Public Administration and Bureaucracy pp.336-350 (Single)  Link
5. 2024/03 Article The Policy Process of the Revision of the Basic Act on Food, Agriculture and Rural Areas: The Transformation of Relationship between Bureaucrats and Politicians in Comparison with the Establishment of the Act Connecting Rural and Urban Areas 74(3),pp.6-11 (Single)  Link
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■ Conference Presentations
1. 2024/11/18 Agricultural Economics and International Issues
2. 2024/11/18 Prospects for Agricultural Policy after the House of Representatives Election (Agricultural Policy Seminer) Link
3. 2024/10/01 Possibilities and Challenges of Introducing Direct Payments in Japan Link
4. 2024/06/23 Food export restrictions in breach of WTO agreements (2024 Annual Meeting, Food System Research Association of Japan) Link
5. 2024/05/26 Current Status and Problems of Export Control Discipline in International Trade Agreements: Focusing on Legal Aspects (63rd National Convention of Japan Academy for International Trade and Business) Link
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■ Academic Qualifications
1. 2008/04~2011/03 〔Doctorial Course〕 Department of International Economics, Graduate School of International Politics, Economics and Communication, Aoyama Gakuin University, Completed, Doctor of Philosophy in International Economics Link
2. 1994/10~1995/08 〔Master Course〕 Development Economics, Graduate Research Centre in Social Sciences, University of Sussex, Completed, Master of Arts in Development Economics Link
3. 1993/10~1994/09 〔Master Course〕 Department of Agricultural Economics, Wye College (merged with Imperial College), University of London, Completed, Master of Science in Agricultural Economics with Distinction Link
4. 1984/04~1988/03 Department of Agronomy, Faculty of Agriculture, Iwate University, Graduated, Bachelor of Agriculture Link
■ Career History
1. 2018/04~2019/03 University of California, Davis Agricultural Issues Center Visiting Scholar Link
2. 2018/04~ Meiji University Department of Agri-Food and Environmental Policy, School of Agriculture Professor Link
3. 2013/04~2018/03 Meiji University Department of Agri-Food and Environmental Policy, School of Agriculture Associate Professor
4. 2011/12~2012/12 Cabinet Secretariat National Strategy Office Counsellor Link
5. 2007/04~2013/03 Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries International Economic Affairs Division, International Affairs Department Director for FTA Negotiations Link
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■ Teaching Activities
● Textbook and Other Teaching Materials of your own
1. 2019/10/10 An Introduction to International Trade Rules for Food and Agriculture Link
● Other Special Instructions related to Educational Experiences
1. 2023/04/01~ Member, Editorial Committee on the Bulletin of School of Agriculture, School of Agriculture, Meiji University
2. 2023/04/01~2024/03/31 Member, Employment Committee, School of Agriculture, Meiji University
3. 2022/10/01~ Member, International Exchange Committee, School of Agriculture, Meiji University
4. 2022/04/01~2024/03/31 Member, Future Planning Committee, School of Agriculture, Meiji University
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■ Major Subjects
Food trade
■ Academic Associations Membership
1. 1995/09~ Agricultural Economics Society of Japan Link
2. 2014/04~2016/03 ∟ Council Member
3. 2021/04~2023/03 ∟ Editor-in-Chief, Journal of Rural Economics
4. 2006/10~ Japan Society of International Economics
5. 2013/03~ Japan Academy for International Trade and Business
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■ Professional Achievements
● Special note of person who has experience of business
1. 2010/10/16~2010/10/17 Holding the first APEC Ministerial Meeting on Food Security (Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries) Link
● Other note that should be mentioned specially on duty
1. 2025/01/17 Appearance of interview (Mainichi Broadcasting System) Link
2. 2024/12/31 Citation of comment (Hokkaido Shimbun Press) Link
3. 2024/12/27 Citation of comment (Nishinihon Newspapers) Link
4. 2024/11/30 Appearance of interview (TV Shinshu Broadcasting Corporation) Link
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■ researchmap Researcher Code
■ Social Activities
1. 2024/05 Testimony to the Committee on Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries Hearing, House of Councillors Link
2. 2024/03 Testimony to the Budget Committee Hearing, House of Councillors Link
3. 2019/09 Appearance on TV program Link
4. 2017/07 Appearance on TV program Link
5. 2016/11 Testimony to the Special Committee on the Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement of the House of Councillors Link
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■ Research Topics, Consignment Studies & KAKENHI Researches
1. 2022/04~2025/03  Empirical study on export promotion policy for Japan's agricultural products  (Key Word : ) Link
2. 2016/04~2019/03  Policy process of rice market opening in the TPP: A comparison with the GATT Uruguay Round  (Key Word : agricultural economics, economic policy, political science, trade policy, policy process) Link
3. 2013/04~  Public choice analysis of agricultural trade policy and international trade agreements  (Key Word : trade policy, trade agreements, public choice)
■ Committees and Associations
1. 2019/04/01~ Editorial Committee, "Connecting Rural and Urban Areas" Member of Editorial Committee Link
2. 2014/04/01~2017/03/31 Agricultural Policy Platform Project, Food and Fertilizer Technology Research Center for the Asia and Pacific Region Contracted Partner Link
3. 2011/04/01~2014/03/31 WTO Research Centre, Aoyama Gakuin University Research Fellow
■ Web Sites
   CiNii Articles
   Google Scholar
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■ Email Addresses
■ Award History
1. 2016/05 Japan Academy for International Trade and Business Incentive award 2015, Japan Academy for International Trade and Business (The truth about Japan's participation in the TPP negotiations: Revealing its policy process) Link
■ Current Specialized Field
Agricultural economics, International economics, International political economy (Key Word:Political economy of trade policy) 
■ KAKENHI Researcher Number
■ Courses and Lectures taught or delivered in the past
1. Food Trade(School of Agriculture, Meiji University)
2. International Trade Rules on Food and Agriculture(School of Agriculture, Meiji University)
3. Introduction to Agri-Food and Environmental Policy(School of Agriculture, Meiji University)
4. Food trade advanced course(Master's Program, Graduate School of Agriculture, Meiji University)
5. Economics of Trade Policy(School of Agriculture, Meiji University)
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