(Last updated : 2024-10-08 15:35:01)
  Inoue Yoshiyuki
   Department   Undergraduate School  , School of Science and Technology
   Position   Professor
■ Books and Papers
1. 2024/10 Article 'High solitary art' by Jack B. Yeats: Samuel Beckett's homage to the artist Savage Culture II pp.410-415 (Single) 
2. 2023/12 Article The Dantesque architectonics in Beckett's Le Dépeupleur  pp.269-298 (Single) 
3. 2022/11 Article Animalistic writing (écriture) in Beckett Wild Cultivation pp.74-95 (Single) 
4. 2022/09 Article The Art of Memory in Jorge Luis Borges The Bulletin of Arts and Sciences, Meiji University pp.53-81 (Single) 
5. 2020/03 Article Beckett's Acoustics in the Dark The Journal of Humanities, Meiji University 26,pp.17-27 (Single) 
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■ Conference Presentations
1. 2019/02/07 Buzzing in the brain: Aural figurations in Beckett (Beckett and the Nonhuman // Beckett et le non-humain)
2. 2016/04/29 Figuring memory: Beckett and Borges reconsidered (Beckett and Modernism: 2nd Conference of the Samuel Beckett Society)
3. 2015/06/29 Mathesis of mind: the cranium and the brain in Beckett's fiction (The Endlessness of Ending: Samuel Beckett and the Mind)
4. 2013/04/06 Tunnelling imagination in Beckett's later fiction (Beckett at Reading 2013: International conference, held at the University of Reading, UK)
5. 2012/07/14 A Solitary Figure? Beckett's Inner Vision and Artists (Beckett and the 'State' of Ireland, held at University College Dublin)
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■ Academic Qualifications
1. ~1987/03 〔Doctorial Course〕, Graduate School, Division of Letters, Kansai University, Accomplished credits for doctoral program,
2. ~1984/03 〔Master Course〕, Graduate School, Division of Letters, Ritsumeikan University, Completed,
3. ~1981/03 Faculty of Foreign Language, Kyoto Sangyo University, Graduated,
■ Career History
1. 1992~1995 Hannan University associate professor
2. 1991~1992 Hannan University full-time lecturer
■ Teaching Activities
● Efforts to Improve Educational Contents and Method (Including Teaching Evaluation)
1. 2013/02/25~2013/03/01 Faculty Development Program of the University of Nebraska at Omaha
● Textbook and Other Teaching Materials of your own
1. 2012/01/10 The Circular Transmutations of Pneuma in Beckett's "Le Dépeupleur"
2. 2012/01/10 Little People Carrying Memories
3. 2012/07/17~ Borges et Leibniz
4. 2013/07/23 History of animal spirits
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■ Professional Achievements
● Other note that should be mentioned specially on duty
1. Yoshiyuki Inoue is a Professor of English and Literature at Meiji University, Tokyo, Japan. His research interests lie in European literature and philosophy, especially Samuel Beckett, Descartes, and Dante. He has conducted researches into Beckett's manuscripts reserved at the University of Reading, UK; Trinity College, Dublin, Ireland; and Ohio State University, Boston College, and Washington University (St. Louis), US. Inoue is currently interested in Beckett's shorter French fiction, mainly composed from late sixties to eighties, paying attention to the differences between the French and English editions of his work, including their manuscripts. He believes that Beckett cannot be fully comprehended without paying minute attention to divergences in his writings, and that Beckett's literary world, like ghost, appears in those infinitesimal differences. His other research interests are in Jorge Luis Borges and Paul Auster, reading them in terms of 'ars memorativa', the art of memory. He considers that these writers, including Beckett himself, can be placed in the long tradition of this art. His most recent scholarly interest lies in the Japanese contemporary writer Haruki Murakami. Inoue is also interested in the writing of the French philosopher Jacques Derrida, because he tried to deconstruct the institutional boundaries between literature and philosophy through the practice of his 'écriture'.
■ Social Activities
1. 2015/10~2015/10 Coordinator of Professor Dirk Van Hulle's seminar on Samuel Beckett, "Samuel Beckett's Manuscripts: 'The Archival Turn' and the Archival Turnip" (Staff Seminar at Meiji University), Room 1144, Liberty Tower, Surugadai Campus, Tokyo, Japan. [By courtesy of Prof. Kiyoko Myojo, Saitama University].
2. 2012/12~2012/12 Coordinator of Professor Stanley E. Gontarski's seminar on Samuel Beckett, "Beckett in the 21st Century" (Staff Seminar at Meiji University), Room 309G, Academy Common, Surugadai Campus, Tokyo, Japan.
3. 2004/12~2006/10 Board Member of the "Borderless Beckett": International Samuel Beckett Symposium, Waseda University, Tokyo, 2006
4. 2016/10~2017/01 Remembering Mary Bryden at the University of Tokyo, JAPAN, on 13 November, 2016
■ Research Topics, Consignment Studies & KAKENHI Researches
1. 2002  Samuel Beckett and Descartes  (Key Word : Beckett, Descartes)
2. 2005  Beckett and the Art of Memory  (Key Word : "Samuel Beckett, Art of memory,")
3. 2009  Beckett and the Visual Arts  (Key Word : Beckett, the visual arts)
4. 2004  Beckett and the Eighteenth Century  (Key Word : "Samuel Beckett, Eighteenth Century,")
5. 2003  Beckett and Dante  (Key Word : Beckett,Dante,art of memory)
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■ Committees and Associations
1. 2019/04/01~2023/03/31 Samuel Beckett Research Circle of Japan Secretary-General
■ Current Specialized Field
European literature, European literature, European literature, European literature, History of thought, Theory of art practice, European literature, European literature, Literature in general (Key Word:Samuel Beckett, Manuscript Studies, Dante, Ars memoriae, Descartes, Philosophy of Science, Universal Language, Visual Arts, Jorge Luis Borges, Paul Auster) 
■ Courses and Lectures taught or delivered in the past
1. Literature(School of Science and Technology, Meiji University)
2. On Memory, or Ars memoriae(School of Science and Technology, Meiji University)
3. (Graduate School of Humanities)